Chapter Seven

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Kennedy’s Bedroom, Camp David

25th November 1963


Jackie was sitting applying her make up when Jack began to stir. She quietly lay down on the bed beside him. When his eyes opened they fixed on Jackie’s and a smile spread across his face.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” Jackie teased as she rubbed his nose.

“Good morning.” Jack grinned. “What time is it?”

“Just past nine.”

“What? It’s John’s birthday.”

“I know bunny don’t panic there still asleep, I didn’t wake you because you finally had a good night’s sleep.”


“How are you feeling?” Jackie asked.

“Refreshed actually.”

Jackie smiled before kissing his lips. “I’m glad.”

“Me too.”

“You go get the kids, I’ll get breakfast ready.” Jackie said.

“Ok, see you downstairs soon.”

When Jack walked into the dining room, he made John and Caroline enter first. John gasped at the sight that met him. There was a happy birthday banner up with balloons and a pile of presents in the corner but on the table there was a pile of pancakes with a candle on top.

“Make a wish John!” Jack said as he helped his son on to the chair.

Jackie and Caroline were at the other side of the table taking pictures.

Once John blew his candle out he started scoffing his pancakes. His parents laughed as they all took their seats.

“Can I open my presents now?” John asked finishing his pancakes.

“Of course sweetie.” Jackie smiled.

John jumped of his seat and began tearing the wrapping off. Jack watched with a smile on his face.

“THANK YOU!” John exclaimed as he unwrapped his main present. It was a military set with toy planes, cars, jeeps and boats.

“John why don’t you open my present?” Caroline suggested.

When John found it he opened it quickly. “It’s great Caroline thank you.” It was an Air Force Beret. John put it on and saluted.

“Come stand next to your Dad John and I’ll take your picture.”


Once father and son were side beside Jackie took the picture. “I’m going to frame that and give it to Pierre to release, I can see the headlines now President in pyjamas, son salutes.”

Caroline giggled.

Jack got down on the floor with John and they started playing with his new toys.

During the day the family just watched John with his toys, it was a relatively quiet and relaxed day for them.

Camp David Garden


John was lying on the patio playing with his new aeroplane toy, his family had just sung happy birthday to him and gave him cake.

Jack and Jackie were chatting when the phone began to ring; Caroline got up and dashed into the house. “I better go see.” Jackie said before getting up.

Once it was just the two of them John got up and cuddled in beside Jack on the sofa. “Have you enjoyed your birthday son?”

“Yes Daddy it’s been great!”

“I know you wanted a party but I wasn’t feeling well enough, I’ll make it up to you I promise.”

“It’s okay, I had fun today Daddy.”

Jack smiled before placing a kiss on his head.

“Did your wish come true?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know yet.”

Jack nodded. “Hopefully it will.”

“I’ll find out soon.”

“What was it?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Yes you can.”

“I wished that you would be okay.”

Jack looked shocked and hugged his son tightly. “I’m fine son.”


“Why don’t you go play with your new favourite toy?” Jack suggested.

“I already am.”

Jack looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“You’re my best present, you’re still here.” John replied before resting his head on Jack’s chest.

Jack’s chest suddenly tightened and he felt tears building in his eyes.

“I love you Daddy.” John yawned.

Jack was crying now. “I love you too son.” Jack said through tense breaths.  

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