Chapter Four

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The Press Briefing Room, the White House

Sunday 24th November 1963


“Ready bunny?” Jackie whispered as they stood at the side of the stage.


Jackie grinned before giving him a kiss for courage. He didn’t care if the press saw he needed it.

He walked up on to the stage slowly and stood at the podium. He was still really pale but he felt better than he did yesterday. Jackie was standing just beside the stage in case Jack needed her.

“Good morning.” Jack said clearing his throat.

“Morning.” The press replied.

Jack pointed to one of the reporters. “Sir I think I can safely say on behalf of the whole nation we’re glad you’re alright.”

“Thank you.”

“Anyway, what can you remember about the motorcade and the shots?”

Jack was quiet for a moment. “I remember travelling through Dallas from the airport, the sun was strong and Jackie said something about it and then I felt a shot go into my shoulder and then I hit my head when Jackie pulled me down.”

“What’s the next thing you remember Mr President?”

“Waking up in the hospital with Jackie sitting in front of me reassuring me everything was going to be okay, then the doctors told me what was wrong and what they had done while I was in surgery.”

“When you were released the next day, what did you do on Air Force One?”

“I think I slept most of the flight, I think Jackie was with Kenny making arrangements for the kids.”

“While you take time off who is in charge?”

“The Vice President and my chief of staff and no doubt Bobby will be involved.”

The press laughed.

“Sir, we have reports that you and the First Lady acquired some private time on Air Force One the day before Dallas, do you care to comment?”

Jack was a taken back by this question. “What happens between my wife and I, is completely private and between my wife and me, I don’t go around asking things about your personal life.”

“Sir you’ve named Monday a national day of mourning for Governor John Connelly, why?”

“Governor Connelly didn’t deserve to die, he ended up taken the bullet that was meant for me, my thoughts are fully with Mrs Connelly during this tragic time.”

“Obviously you’ve heard about the death of Lee Harvey Oswald, do you have anything to say about it?”

“The police will find out what his motive was but after attempting to kill me and successfully killing the Governor he killed a police officer J.D Tippit, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to his family.”

“Sir how are you coping physically and mentally?”

“I’m doing okay just trying to get my health better, I’m a little shaken but I hope I’ll be returning to work at the end of November, thank you for your time.”

Jack walked of the stage and took Jackie’s arm; they then walked out into the corridor. “You did really well bunny.”

Jack smiled before hugging her. He gently kissed the top of her head. “Come on I want out of here.”

Jackie took his hand and followed him towards Marine One.

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