Chapter Twenty

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Saturday 22nd November 1964


Jack was standing on the beach looking out at the waves. He couldn’t believe it, it had been a year, a full year since Dallas. Things were back to normal now, busy days at the White House, phone calls with Khrushchev and problems with the press it was like nothing had happened.

Jack sighed as he thought back to how he was after the assassination attempt, with the horrific nightmares, the searing pain and the relief Caroline and John gave him.

He was deep in thought when he felt a hand on his lower back. Without looking he wrapped Jackie in his arms. “It’s really been a year.” Jack whispered.

“I know bunny, it doesn’t seem real.”

“I love you.”

“I love you to Jackie.”

She turned to face him. Their lips brushed and they kissed each other passionately, being thankful they were both still here.

They were still in an embrace when Jack gently stroked Jackie’s hair. “How do you fancy going upstairs?” Jack said with a cheeky grin.

“Jack!” Jackie exclaimed. “It’s ten in the morning.”

“So? The kids are at my parents and won’t be back till later. We deserve some time together you know kid.”

Jackie smiled. “I do know that bunny.”


“So what Jack?”

“Do you want to go upstairs?”

Jackie giggled as she took his hand. “Of course I do, I was just teasing you.”

Jack laughed. “Let’s go then.”

The couple hurried upstairs giggling like teenagers. It was obvious to anyone around them now how smitten and intimate they were with each other.

Jackie went and shut the curtains while Jack closed the door. He pulled his shoes off and lay down on the bed. Jackie lay down too and faced her husband.

“Jackie I never really thanked you.”

Jackie looked puzzled. “What for bunny?”

“Staying with me and helping me through my rough patch.”

“It wasn’t always easy Jack, but you proved yourself and we’ve been so happy since. I love you and when I took my vows for “In sickness and in health” I meant it. I would never leave you Jack.”

Jack smiled before kissing her. “I love you too.”

“We’ve come so far you and I, and we have so much more to do. Starting with your second term, then we can grow old together and watch our kids grow up and become wonderful adults just like their Dad.”

“You mean wonderful like their mum.”

Jackie blushed. “Oh Jack I love you, together forever.”

“I love you Jackie, its eleven years later, I loved you in the beginning but you’ll never know how much more I love you now.”

Jackie kissed him passionately, pulling his shirt off. He kissed her back. He knew he was so lucky, not just too still be here but to have Jackie. The woman who loved him through his stupidity, through the difficult times and through the worst four days of their lives. This was their new beginning.

Sometimes things will be a struggle but with Jackie the love of his life, they’ll always make it through.


Thank you so much for reading my story I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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