Chapter Eight

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When Jackie returned she quickly stopped Caroline walking out. “Darling why don’t you go have your bath?” Jackie suggested.

“Ok.” Caroline replied before running off upstairs.

Jackie then turned to Nanny Shaw. “Could you please take John to bed?”

“Of course Ma’am.”

Jackie nodded as she watched Nanny Shaw carefully pick John up. Jack was hiding his face in his hands.

Once it was just the two of them Jackie sat down beside him and cuddled in. She rested her head on his chest just like John had done.

“Bunny what’s wrong?” Jackie asked soothingly.

“John said I was his favourite birthday present.” Jack sobbed.

Jackie looked puzzled. “W…what do you mean?”

“I said to him why don’t you go play with your favourite present and he replied I already am, when I asked him what he meant, he meant his best present was that I was still alive.”

Jackie smiled softly before stroking his cheek.

“It shocked me Jackie, it pulled at my heartstrings.” Jack said composing himself.

“I know bunny but just think, it shows how much you mean to John.”

“I…I never thought about it that way before.”

“We’re all glad you’re still here.” Jackie smiled.

“I’m glad I’m here too, I would hate to have left you and the kids.”

Jackie nodded before moving her head very close to his. Jack moved his eyes till they were facing the deep brown of Jackie’s. They were so lost in the moment that when Jackie kissed him he accepted her tongue with pleasure. He placed his good hand on her back, the smell of her Chanel number 5 made him feel safe. It was the first time in ages that he managed to hold her in his arms.

When Jackie pulled back she rubbed his hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too kid.”

Jackie snuggled into him on the sofa; they didn’t even notice the secret service had backed off. “Jackie?”

“Yes bunny?”

“You will help me get through this right?”

Jackie smiled softly before looking up at him. “Of course I will, I’ll be there every step of the way.”

Jack felt a tear escape his eye. Before he knew it he was crying again. “I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as this in my entire life.”

Jackie laughed. “It’s okay, let it out.”

Jack semi smiled as he hugged her. “Thank you.”

“Come I’ll run you a bath.” Jackie said getting to her feet. Jack followed.

He was holding Jackie’s hand as they walked up the stairs. “Will you join me?”

Jackie turned to look at her husband; he had a grin on her face. “Well you’re slowly returning to your usual self.”

Jack laughed.

Jackie was running Jack’s bath when she felt a hand wrap round her waist. She turned and smiled at him. “Hi.”


They both giggled.

“Come on I’ll help you.” Jackie said as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She held his hand as he got into the bath. He groaned slightly from the pain in his back but he had to keep his arm dry.

Jackie sat on the chair and talked to him. She couldn’t help but remember the seven minute journey to Parkland when he was bleeding so badly, she just had to keep him talking even though he told Clint about their rendezvous on Air Force One the previous day.

“Jackie?” Jack asked.

She suddenly snapped out of her memory and turned to look at him.

“What were you thinking about?”

“Oh nothing.” Jackie replied with a warm smile.


The word made a chill run down her spine. She quickly nodded.

“It’s okay Jackie.”

“I know.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Jack asked.

“No I was just thinking about how you told Clint about our rendezvous!”

“Oh yeah.” Jack laughed. “What exactly did I say?”

“You went Jackie yesterday you were amazing, I replied what are you talking about and you went on Air Force One you looked so God damn sexy in that new lingerie of yours.”

Jack was blushing. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“Ok, help us out.”

Once Jackie had got him out of the bath he changed into his pyjamas and took his medicine.

Jackie was lying in bed when he returned. He gently kissed her before lying down. “Night Kid.”


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