Chapter Five

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Camp David, Maryland

24th November 1963


When the helicopter landed at Camp David John and Caroline came running towards it. Jack emerged first smiling. He bent down and hugged them with his good arm. Jackie smiled as she watched them.

“Daddy are you okay?” Caroline asked.

“I’ll be fine.”

Caroline smiled sweetly as she took his hand. John ran on a head. “Daddy?”

“Yes buttons?”

“Will you be well enough for John’s party tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“Yay!” Caroline exclaimed before dashing into the house.

Jack smiled before taking Jackie’s hand. “Dr Travell said she’d meet us here at seven.”


The couple then went into the house. “I’m going to change.”

“Do you want some help bunny?” Jackie asked.

“I’ll be ok.”

Jackie nodded before going to join the children.

Upstairs Jack was sitting on the bed taking his shoes off. He had just put a pair of shorts and t-shirt on when the phone rang. He reached for the receiver. “Hello?”

“Hello Jack?”


“It’s Grace.”

“Oh Grace I’m sorry, my minds muddled.” Jack said.

“It’s alright I’m just phoning to see how you and Jackie are?”

“Jackie’s doing really well, I’m muddling through.”

“I know you’ll be okay, you’re strong Jack.” Grace replied.

“I’m glad you have faith.”

Grace laughed. “Rainier and I were shocked when we heard, are Caroline and John alright?”

“They’re fine, a bit young to understand but Caroline knows I was hurt. John’s just excited for his party tomorrow.”

“It’ll be good for you to relax.”

“I hope so.”

“Can I speak to Jackie?” Grace asked.

“Sure let me just get her.”

“JACKIE!” Jack yelled.

When she appeared Jack handed her the phone. “Grace Kelly.”

Jackie nodded and took the call. Jack disappeared downstairs. He joined his kids in the sitting room.

John came and sat on top of him.

“What are you doing?” Jack teased.

John giggled. “Playing.”

Caroline also came and sat on top of her Dad. “Are you trying to kill me?” Jack joked.

Caroline laughed before tickling Jack’s feet.

“Oh my God my kids are trying to kill me.”

Caroline and John were in hysterics when Jackie walked back in. “Jackie you have to help me!”

“No you’re managing just fine.” Jackie teased.


They all laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it bunny.”

Jack nodded and watched his wife. When he heard the voice of the person at the door he got up, he knew it was Dr Travell.

“Come on you two upstairs, bed time.”

Caroline and John smiled before rushing upstairs. Jack followed but went to his room to wait on Jackie and Dr Travell; he knew he was going to have to be very honest in the next hour. He knew Jackie really wanted to help him but he didn’t want to tell anyone else his feelings.

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