Chapter Eleven

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Kennedy’s Bedroom

Jack was lying with Jackie’s head on his chest. He was breathing very heavily but he was happy. Jackie was rubbing his chest gently and listening to the beat of his heart. They were lying happily when the door burst open. Jackie quickly covered herself.

“Wow I did not need to see that.” Bobby said turning away a little.

Jack quickly pulled some boxers on before standing up. “You should have knocked.”

“Sorry I just wanted to say the kids were a delight to be with today…..” Bobby hesitated. “Where’s your sling?”

“Dr Travell said I didn’t need to wear it anymore, I just have a patch.”

“Good, was this you celebrating?”

Jack nodded slightly feeling himself blush.

“You have um a little… lipstick all over your face.” Bobby teased.

“Shut up!”

Bobby grinned before walking away.

Jack quickly dressed before washing his face. Jackie changed and they both headed down to the sitting room. The kids were lying on the sofa watching TV.

Bobby was lying on the floor attempting to do a crossword.

“How’s that working for you Bob?” Jack teased.

“It’s fine apart from I can’t write my answers down.”

Jack and Jackie laughed.

As soon as Jack sat down beside Caroline and John they attacked him so he started tickling them. They were squealing in delight.

John rolled of the sofa and landed on Bobby. “Hello John.”

“Hi Uncle Bobby.”

Bobby laughed. “He is your double Jack.”

“I know, isn’t that right Sam?” Jack teased.


“Oh yeah sorry Sam.”


“Ok, ok I’m sorry Sam.”

John sighed and started trying to steal Bobby’s newspaper. “He is so much your son!” Bobby exclaimed.

“And Caroline is so much my daughter.”

“Yeah because they both like attacking me!”

“Oh how true.”

Jackie was smiling taking pictures.

“Jackie help me! These kids are just like Jack!”

“I know that’s because they’re his.” Jackie laughed.

They weren’t the First Family right now, they were a normal family dealing with a crisis which would affect them for the rest of their lives.

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