Chapter Fifteen

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The Main House

Hyannis Port

When they arrived Jackie got out of the car first to help her husband. He gently took her hand and got out. Most of the family were playing a game of football on the lawn.

“Hey Jack!” Teddy yelled.

“Hey.” Jack replied.

“I’m going inside to find Joan; you can stay out here as long as you don’t play football.” Jackie said.

“Ok, I don’t think even if I wanted too I would, the pains still pretty bad.”

Jackie nodded before kissing his cheek. Jack watched as she walked into the house.”

“You coming to play?” Ethel asked as she ran with the ball.

“Sorry Ethel I’m not allowed.”

“Aw okay, see you shortly.”

Jack grinned before going to sit on the steps on the porch. He was sitting alone with his thoughts when he heard a familiar giggle behind him. “Hi buttons.” Jack smiled as he turned round.

“How did you know it was me?”

“Your voice is so familiar.”

Caroline laughed as she crawled on to his knee. “You okay buttons?”

“Yes Daddy I just had a cookie.”

“Oh no you’re going to be hyper!”

Caroline giggled insanely. Jack looked at her. “Why don’t you go annoy your Uncle Bobby?”

“Ok.” Caroline exclaimed before jumping of his knee.

Jack laughed to himself as he walked into the house. What Janis had said about find something distracting was playing on his mind. He thought about gardening but that would hurt his back.

He walked into his mother’s small private kitchen and opened the cupboard with cook books in it. He pulled a few out and sat cross legged on the floor with “Cooking for Beginners”.

He hadn’t realised the time and just after 1pm Jackie walked in. “Jack what are you doing? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

“Oh sorry.” Jack replied getting to his feet.

“Why are you in here?”

“Janis said learning a new skill to focus my mind would help me sleep so I’ve decided to give cooking a go.”

Jackie struggled to hide her laugh. “Seriously?”

“Yes seriously.”

“Oh, ok.”

“I know I’ve struggled to make toast but I want to give it a try.” Jack said.

“Ok, let’s go get lunch.”

Jack nodded and followed his wife. They quietly sat down for lunch.

Once people began to disperse from the table Jack made his way back to the kitchen. He decided he would start simple and try and make a chicken pasta dish. He grabbed his mum’s apron and began.

Jackie was sitting outside on the porch with Joan it was really hot for three o clock. They were sitting fanning themselves trying to keep cool while watching the football game.

“Jackie do you smell that?” Joan asked.

“Yeah, it’s kind of garlicky.”

Joan was on her feet now as was Jackie. They followed the smell till they reached the kitchen. Jack was standing dishing his pasta up.

“What? Jack didn’t burn down the kitchen?” Jackie teased.

“No it was quite relaxing actually, do you want to try some?”

“Sure.” Joan smiled. “Oh my God Jack that’s amazing, what’s in it?”

“Well it was just meant to be chicken in a tomato and basil sauce but I experimented by adding mushrooms and onions.”

“It’s really good isn’t it Jackie?”

“It really is.” Jackie replied.

“Don’t sound so surprise Jackie!”

She smiled childishly as she kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll leave yous both.” Joan said before leaving.

“That was really good bunny.”

“Thank you, I’m just about to make some brownies if you want to stay?”

“I’d love to watch you cook.”

Jack laughed before getting the baking bowl out. Jackie could hardly believe her eyes – Jack cooking.  

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