00- I Imagine Death So Much It Feels More Like A Memory

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Bright lights. Men surrounding me with sunken cheeks and bloodshot eyes begging for their lives. Begging for mercy.
I try to stop myself. I try to lower my arms so my hands never cause the blood that flowed through their veins to turn cold, but I no longer have control.

I hear the nasally laugh echo throughout my head. They know what they're doing, and they personally enjoy it.

"I won't use your abilities the way that you used them," They told me.

But they lied.

Blood spewed out of every opening of the men's bodies as each of their corpses collapsed to the ground.

More men gone. More people dead.

The woman sits on her marble throne. She wears an expression of disappointment. She completely takes over the space as more of her form in midair, and stare me down in disgust. The leader of them all snaps her fingers on her left hand sharply, and watches as her clones attack me viciously, but not wild some enough to kill me.

The Avengers. They fought and broke up just when I was starting to get close to them. The other enhanced is gone. Steve is no where to be seen. I was taken and put on a plane as a last minute decision before the authorities arrived and started taking people away.
I was placed back in the facility, for that's where they believed me to be safe. Safer than being behind bars.

The Winter Soldier. The one that never showed me any mercy, yet I showed it to him greatly. I helped him escape, but he still beats me. He still wraps his metal hand tightly around my throat as he digs a knife deeply into my stomach. As he shoves me harshly against the concrete wall. As his metallic prosthetic begins to turn to crimson, but he doesn't stop. He won't stop.

It all comes together. The Avengers stand before me. Their eyes bloodshot with their cheeks sunken so far into their faces they look ghastly. They're begging me to stop. To put my arms down and to just listen to what they have to say. But I can't hear them. It's not me they see.
It's only my shell.

A child forms from midair in each of their now cradling arms. A swaddled infant in a bright pink blanket, crying. It cries because it knows what's to come. The baby knew what hell I was about to release.

Kill it!

They crumble to the ground and two figures are revealed behind them. A girl with fiery red hair and a boy in a tight red suit with fear in his eyes.

"Brother," The girl pleads, "Dear brother please."

The boy just looks scared. Terrified of the unknown, and knowledge of what was to come.

"Please," He tearfully whispers, "Alger I know you're still in there."

But I no longer can answer.

For my mind has a new master.

I hold out my hands. Just as I was going to pull the life out of them, they both start to say something else.

"Alger! Get up!" They yell in unison, "Get out of that bed or you'll be late!"

Then, I woke up.

I woke up to an angry Tony Stark staring down at me with his arms crossed.

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