20- Unlikely Pep Talk

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The poor boy was being pinned up against the lockers as the bully was readying up his fist to swiftly break his nose. I could sense the boy shake from fear.

I knew I couldn't just run out there and reveal myself to them, but I wasn't going to let him get away with his actions again. Justice needed to be served.

I became intangible and phased through the door, remaining invisible to the human eye.
I watched as the boy begged for mercy, pleading for the bully to just take his money and to leave him alone, but the bully wasn't listening.

Anger boiled from within me. Why didn't he learn when I stopped him the first time?

I sensed everything that happened throughout his body. How his heart quickened from adrenaline. How much force he was about to put into the blow from his tightly clenched fist.
It disgusted me.

I studied his blood flow and focused on how long it would take for me to make everything stop. For him to collapse. To cease the beating of his heart. To kill him.

No, murder was out of the question. However, murder and inflicting pain were the only two things I knew.
Would it be bad if I broke his wrists? To lead him to believe that his bones were becoming frail from picking on other students? All that had to be done was for me to contract the muscles in his body and snap his wrists like a twig.

Though, bones heal. In a few months time, he'd be at it again. Starting all over from scratch with his improved ligaments.
Maybe the only way to solve this problem was to go back to my old ways.

I knew it.

The two boys froze in place as he appeared from behind them.

Same usual stance of disappointment, he shook his head as he clicked his tongue.

"Oh, how I knew you still had it in you, little blitz."

I became visible as he walked through the boys while still shaking his head.

"Still had what in me?"

He smirked. "You miss it."

"Miss what?"


I scoffed as I tried to turn away from him. He still stood in front of me no matter where I turned.

"Leave me alone."

"Like the rush that boy gets from belittling his peers, you used to feel the same type of adrenaline when blood stained your hands. Or whenever you completed a mission and knew that people would think they died naturally. You long for being in control of the situation again. You're bored."

"Shut up!"

"Admit it, Alger. You have bloodlust."

"No. I'm protecting that boy from a bully."

"By trying to kill his bully? Wouldn't it be easier to solve this problem by telling a teacher?"

"He needs to be taught a lesson! He'll keep doing it if I don't."

"Trying to keep yourself occupied by murdering the first person you see because precious Peter Parker told you that he lost romantic feelings for you? May I remind you that you don't fully understand what he meant by saying he lost feelings for you? Peter still wishes to be your friend, you know."

My eyes stung as my voice cracked. "Why would he do that to me?"

"He's fifteen! Nobody knows what they want at fifteen."


He groaned. "My word! You don't even know what love is! You two barely knew one another, a spark formed, then you leave for several months and expect everything to be the same when you returned? Here you are, ready to kill someone over nothing! What happened to your vow, huh? You do realize that bully was once an innocent baby himself."

I wiped my eyes before the tears could roll down. Strangely, he was right.

"Why are you helping me? I thought you wanted me to go back to my old ways."

"I'm not helping you, I just can't stand watching you act like an idiot over something like this. Stop letting your emotions control your actions."

He disappeared and the boys started to move again. I quickly turned invisible and did what needed to be done.

Seconds away from punching the boy's face in, he let go of his shirt and raised his hands up in surrender. The boy fell to the floor and watched from below as his bully questioned loudly why couldn't he stop his arms from moving upward.

The bully twitched as he tried to force his hands back down, but gasped in horror as he suddenly lost all control of his bowel movements and crapped his pants in the most foul way possible.

I released myself from him and he collapsed to the floor, crying as he grasped his backside in complete shock. He jumped up and scurried away to the restroom, while his sobs became a little bit louder with each step he took.

The boy sat there stunned. I knew he didn't know what to think about what just occurred. Then, he laughed to himself as he slowly got up and grabbed his bag. He walked through me on his way to the cafeteria, where I imagined would be the first lunch where his bully wouldn't be there to torment him.

I smiled as I turned to go to the cafeteria. It felt great knowing I solved a problem without violence. No wrists had to be broken.

I took a step. Once the vibrations returned, a piercing headache formed between my eyes, then spread throughout as if something was trying to rip my brain in half. I thought I was going to explode.
I reappeared as I collapsed to the floor, hunched over on my knees while pressing against my temples with my palms.
I sensed as the ground started to shake beneath me. Lockers rattled and everything from within them fell out as the pain intensified. All I could see was a blueish glow that illuminated from my skin. My insides were frying. The only thing that I could do about it was scream as the pain kept building and stacking on top of itself. It was suffocating me.
I never felt anything like that before. I didn't know how to handle it, and neither did my body.

With the loud ringing of my ears, I slammed my head into the tile and desperately tried to knock myself out.

Thankfully, the pain did it for me.

found a picture that reminded me of alger. you're welcome.

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