16- Spidey Sense

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"Nightmare?" He asked.

I rubbed my eyes as a yawn escaped from my lips.

Yes, I thought to myself, An actual nightmare that had nothing to do with my memories.

"Just a dream," I told him as I stretched. I raised my head up off the pillow only to plop it back down. I felt exhausted.

"Hey, no," He lightly slapped my cheek as I groaned, "You need to wake up. We have only twenty minutes until Ned gets here-"

"What?!" I jerked up quickly, almost slamming my head against the ceiling as I slumped over on my hands and knees. "What happened to you waking me up early?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I overslept?"

I groaned again. "Peter!"

I jumped from the top bunk and landed on the floor on my feet, inches away from the plastic bricks that still laid on the carpet.

Peter shushed me as he also jumped to the floor on his feet. "Lower your voice or May will hear you!"

"You think she won't notice me being in the shower?"

"I'll keep her distracted!"

I tried to sense her vibrations but everyone that moved throughout the building was making everything muffled. It was starting to become unbearable to stand on my bare feet.

I bent over and grabbed my bag then whipped back around and pointed my finger into Peter's chest. "You better hope she can't hear me cause if she does, I won't try to hide."

Peter nodded as he gulped loudly. "Of course, yeah. I can be trusted- You can trust me."


I became transparent and phased through the door and into the bathroom. Peter slammed the door shut for me as he walked by, getting ready to keep his aunt's full attention on him.

I took a quick shower and was completely ready right when I heard Ned enter the apartment.

"Ned! Good morning, honey!"

"Morning, May. You ready, Peter?"

"Yeah. Let me just go the bathroom real quick."

Not a second later, Peter was knocking on the bathroom door and asking if I was ready. I cracked open the door and nodded at him before I became transparent again and walked throughout the place and stood at the front door.

"Have a wonderful day at school, you two," She smiled at the boys, "Be good!"

Peter waved to her as he opened the door. "Love you, May."

"Bye, May," Ned said as he and Peter walked out.

I quietly followed behind and the moment Peter shut the door, Ned let out a short scream as I reappeared between them.

Peter slapped him on the arm as Ned apologized breathlessly.

"She scared me!" He gasped as he held onto his chest.

"Are you seriously wearing that?" Peter asked.

"What's wrong with my outfit?"

"That's no outfit. You're wearing your superhero suit," He tugged at my sleeve. "Is this my jacket?"

I yanked away as I brushed off where he grabbed the maroon jacket. "I needed something to cover up my suit."

"Why not wear normal clothes?"

"Need to always be prepared."

Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "No one better recognize you," He murmured.

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