13- Sweep Up The Ashes And Move On

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"No!" I jumped to my feet.

Her smile went away and was replaced with a sad, confused frown.

I looked around us. She took me to the woods that were at least over a mile away from the facility. I didn't understand as to how she did it, but I knew it was because she didn't want Tony to find my corpse in my bedroom.

I wanted to start fighting. Try to get the upper hand so I could get a few hits in before she badly mutilated me. I remembered how fast she was when it came to fighting. I could barely sense her movements.
Instead, I uncontrollably bursted into tears. I was so afraid of what was to come.

"Alger?" She sounded concerned.

"J-Just get it over with," I sobbed. I covered my face with my hands. "Finish the job."

"What? I'm not going to hurt you."

I continued to cry. I was so tired.

"Alger, do you know who I am?" She asked.

I sniffed as I glanced toward her direction. "You are my mother. You're here for revenge."

She gasped. She cursed under her breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I should've known! I've been told that I look like her."

"Like who?"

She took a small step forward and gently grabbed hold of my wrists. I didn't know what to do.

"Like our mother."

I gasped. "...Aloysis?"

She smiled as she moved her hands from my wrists to gently holding my hands. "I'm so sorry I scared you. I was going to tell you who I was, but you passed out before I could get a word in."

"But you don't look like how you did the last time I saw you."

She let go of my hands and took a step back. "I'm twenty-eight now."


"Time travel. Charles helped me control my mutation and I mastered it and it evolved immensely. Before, I could travel if I existed during that time, but now I can teleport to any time period without any consequences."

"What about your visions?"

"That's what I'm here about. Alger, I haven't had a horrific vision about you since the last time we spoke thirteen years ago."

"What have you seen?"

"It wasn't about you."

Now I was worried. "Aloysis, what did you see?" I demanded.

"I still can't quite control what I see or when I see it, but with Charles's guidance, I can now pinpoint exactly as to when it happens. I don't believe in telling people their future, but I can't sit by and do nothing when it comes to people I care about. You must go to him."

She was talking about Peter. He was in danger.

"When will he need me?"

"Soon. I came here a couple of days ago so I could give you time to prepare, but there are some things that not even I can see coming."


"You've been knocked out for three days."

"And where were you?"

"After you collapsed, an alarm went off so I quickly dragged you into the closest bedroom I found and waited until Mr. Stark left your side once you came to. I'm surprised he even did leave you alone after you woke up."

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