01- New School Blues

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"I can't believe this! I've been hollering at you for the past ten minutes!" He yanked the covers off of me and I drew myself together as the cold air hit me. He rolled his eyes. "Get ready or you'll be going to school in your pajamas."

I groaned as I sat up. My hair covered my face and blocked my vision when I heard Tony snort.

"My goodness you need to brush out that bed head." He clapped his hands quickly three times then I felt as he grabbed my shoulders and tried to get me to obey his orders.

I swiveled my legs over the edge and sat there as my feet dangled inches away from the tiled floor.

"I am so tired." I said to myself quietly.

"That makes two of us." He took hold of my hands and hoisted me up to stand.

I looked at him directly in the eyes and he immediately glanced away.

"Can you please not stare at me that intensely? Your new blue eyes make it feel like you're piercing me."

"Sorry." I leaned my head down and walked to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

"Is there any way you can, like, turn that off?" He continued, "You know, change them back to brown?"

I stopped in my tracks. "I don't know how to do that."

"Well, no need to tread on that now since it'll make you even more late for school! Get ready!"


Tony scoffed as I continued on to the bathroom. "Teenagers," He said to himself.

I closed the door behind me as the bathroom lights automatically switched on by sensing my presence there.
I grabbed two towels from the shelves and started up the shower as I began to undress.

I glanced at myself in the mirror that hung over the sink when I had nothing but my undergarments on.

My scars were no longer a faded light pink. They were a nasty dark purple. Like how skin changes color when cold, my scars were reacting to how my body was feeling.

I was burning eternally. All I could feel was the electricity that flowed through my veins. All I could sense was the pulsating sensation of shocks as my muscles contracted and pulled whenever I moved. It simply was unbearable.

Yet, it was the only thing keeping me alive.

My eyes shone brightly as I stared at my reflection.

There would be no way I could hide that at public school.

The next moments of my new morning routine came by as a blur; I showered, I dried off, I brushed what needed to be brushed, put on an outfit and met up with Stark out in the main lobby of the facility.

He held onto a dark blue backpack in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other. He seemed disappointed when he saw me.

"Really? A dark grey zip up hoodie with khaki cargo pants and your leather training boots on your first day?" He shook his head. "And your hair isn't even completely dry!"

I glanced down at myself. "I wanted to be comfortable." I told him as I shrugged my shoulders.

"What about those clothes Miss Potts bought for you, huh? Did you even look at those?"

"She said they were for picture day."

"You don't wear seven different outfits for one photo, Alger." He shook his head once more. "I knew this was a bad idea."


He handed me the paper and slipped one of the bags straps onto my shoulder. "Nothing, nothing. Just let your personality shine through so people won't judge you too hard because of your outfit."

"Do you want me to change? I can put on that dress Miss Potts bought me-"

"There's no time, Alger! Happy is already out in front waiting for you."

I nodded my head. "What's the paper for?"

"It's to be given to the principal. He'll know what to do with it."


I started to read it as Tony began to almost literally push me toward the front door.

"You can read in the car." He swung the door open and waved to Happy that was sitting in the drivers seat of the car. Happy waved back.

"You be nice to all those kids at school, you understand?" Tony instructed me, "I don't want a single accident report involving you in any way."

"I promise."

He guided me to the black car with black windows and opened the back door for me.

I sat down in it and Tony kept the door open.

"Straight to school and straight back. I don't want you going anywhere unless I'm notified."

"How will I notify you?"

He reached in his back pocket and threw something onto my lap. It looked exactly like the phone Natasha gave me.

"Don't use it in class." Tony slammed the door shut and slapped the top of the car, signaling Happy to drive off.

For the entire car ride there, neither of us spoke to one another. The only thing he said to me was 'I'll be here to pick you up after school.' when I exited his car.

I closed the door behind me and stared at the chaos ahead.

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