10- Sleep Walker

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I was alone. All the adults that once ran this place left me, along with the android. Only people left were the agents that worked downstairs, but they never bothered to meet me.

I'd been awake for three days. Not because I couldn't sleep, but because I didn't want to. I became paranoid.
What would happen if I had another nightmare and no one could snap me out of it?
The only thing I really had to talk to was F.R.I.D.A.Y., and I knew that an interface wouldn't be able to help me if I so happened to have another episode.

So, I decided to take things into my own hands. I cut off the terror at its source so I could finally be at peace.

But I wasn't.

These nightmares were memories that replayed in my mind every time I would doze off. There was nothing I could do to make them stop. To make them go away.

I kept myself occupied, of course. I watched television, microwaved the pre-made meals Stark placed in the fridge for me and did literally anything to keep myself from passing out from exhaustion.

However, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to keep up the charade for long. I was starting to feel extremely weak.

I sat on the couch that I pushed against the window wall during my redecoration phase, so I could watch the trees sway with the breeze and sighed. I had my knees up against my chest and had my forehead resting on my kneecaps. I didn't feel like watching the trees today.

I was between two black leather cushions that were trying to engulf me into the couch. It was too comfortable.
I quickly shot up, stood on the couch and looked out to the trees. They weren't swaying.

I groaned and plopped back down. I was starting to become irritated at anything.

You never did so well when I made you stay awake for days at a time.

I tensed up. That was something I hadn't heard from for a while.

Are you not going to speak to me?

"I don't wanna talk to you," I spatted. I pressed my right hand against the glass and placed my left arm onto my lap. "Leave me alone."

Phasing through the window won't make me go away.

"It would if I hit the ground hard enough."

I finally turned around. He was standing there wearing his usual fancy suit with his hands in his pockets.

I crawled off the seat and stood in front of him.

"You've tried that once before," He said, "And you weren't successful."

"Why must you still torment me?" I asked. "Haven't you already ruined my life enough?"

He sighed. "I'm doing nothing to you."

I scoffed as I fiddled with the cast on my wrist. "Always lying to me."

He shrugged his shoulders as he pulled his hands from his pockets and crossed his arms. "I never-"

"YES, YOU DO!" My voice cracked as I screamed, "WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!"

"Your brother merely started it all. You are the one that won't let these hallucinations end."

"I don't know how to make them stop!"

I lunged at him. I thrusted my right arm out and watched as my fist went right through his face.

He faded away like dust.

Little Blitz.

His voice echoed throughout the room. I fell on my stomach and began to cry. He showed up to prove that either awake or asleep, my past would still haunt me.
I sobbed into my hands for several minutes while laying down on the floor.

When I finally got it all out, I sniffled and rubbed my eyes until I got rid of all the tears.

I felt a pair of eyes suddenly look down at me. I sighed and lifted my head up to face them. It'd be rude to ignore another hallucination.

I gasped when I saw them.


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