09- A Robot With Feelings

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Resting sucked. Being forced to stay in the facility with nothing to do sucked.
Tony wasn't around; he left on what he called a 'well deserved trip'. Happy was taking care of business at Stark Towers and Miss Potts just wasn't here. All I had to talk to was Vision,
and he didn't like to speak to me unless he absolutely had to. It was quite obvious that he hated me for some reason.
I had no connection to the outside world. Tony told me he thought it'd be best if I was isolated for a while. He even made the television to where I couldn't watch the news. All I could watch was a pile of movies he handed to me before he left on his trip. And the Twilight Saga?
Well, I actually liked those movies, but everything else sucked.

The only reason I left my bed was so I could shower, change my clothes, get some food, then get back into bed and watch television, or sleep. Oh, and occasional bathroom breaks was thrown into the mix.

I felt like I was getting weaker. I wanted to fight against it and do something, but I felt too tired to do so.

I was laying in my bed with my head underneath my pillow. I was watching something on the small television that sat on my dresser, but it started to bore me, so I turned it off. I finally learned where the off button was on the remote. My cast pressed against the top of the pillow so it's weight would smother out the noise. I could barely breathe.

"Miss Booth?"

I pinched the corner of the pillow with my fingers and lifted it off my head. I looked up and saw Vision staring at me from the doorway. He was dressed like a human.


I placed the pillow on my lap as I sat up. The fluorescent lights burned my eyes.

He slowly walked into the room and hesitantly sat on the edge of my bed.
He had never done that before.

"I'd like to speak with you on an important matter, Miss Booth." He sounded desperate as he scooted a little closer while maintaining eye contact, "Something I need only your opinion on."

"My opinion?"

"Yes, I cannot ask Stark. So, I must ask you. Is that okay?"

I nodded.

"Thank you." He cleared his throat. "I know where Wanda is."

I let out a small gasp. It was known that her and the others that helped Steve escaped prison, but no one knew where they went to. "Oh?"

He nodded. "I know how you feel about Wanda. However, I don't feel that way towards her. I....feel a certain way about Wanda."

"You crush on her?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's a term Natasha used when I spoke to her about Peter. You have a crush on Wanda?"

He laughed to himself. "I guess I do, yes."

"Well, good for you, Vision."

"Thank you, but I'm not finished. I'd like to go to her, to where she's hiding."

"Is that why you can't tell Tony?"

"And I'd like for you to not tell him, either."

"He will find out once he comes back."

"Yes, it is inevitable. That's why I'd like your opinion on whether I should go."

"Tony says a teenagers opinion isn't a good one."

"Are you having one of your teenage moments?"


"Then your opinion will be a good one." He sighed. "Please, Alger. I want to be with Wanda."

He must've been serious, Vision never called me by my first name before, either.

"Go with her," I told him.


"I won't tell Stark."

If androids could cry, I believe Vision would've shed a tear. He rose to his feet.

"Thank you." He said to me.

He went to the door.

"Vision?" I asked.

He turned around.

"Why don't you like me?" I continued.

He sighed once more. "You hurt Wanda. You did something that caused her to lose her abilities for only moments, but it still scared her."

"Oh," I said quietly. I looked away from him.

"I apologize for keeping myself distant from you, Miss Booth. When we first met, I didn't know what to think of you. I saw you as a threat for our safety. However, I believe I have misjudged you."

I looked back toward him.

"Your eyes," He continued, "Something must've happened to you that made your eyes reflect the electricity that flows throughout you. That experience changed you."

I nodded my head. Now I felt like shedding a tear.

"Go," I said to him, my voice cracking, "Wanda's waiting."

And that was the last time I saw him.

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