03- What's In A Word

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"Excuse me?" The teacher asked, "What was it you said?"

I stood frozen as me and Peter were making direct eye contact, not planning to break away from it anytime soon.
I hadn't seen him since the day after the battle. Now, there he was, sitting in the back row acting like a normal civilian.

Why wasn't I told he'd be here?

I broke the gaze and snapped my attention back to the woman. "Sorry, what did you ask?"

The teacher cleared her throat and repeated her question from before. "Alli, do you have any interesting facts you want to share with us?"

"I," I pondered on it for a moment. "I have parents with a younger twin brother and sister."

"Oh, that's nice-"

"They all hated me," I continued, "Except for my sister, I suppose. She did try to save me after my brother put me in a coma like state after almost killing me."

I could see Peter from the corner of my eye waving at me. I turned my head and he was motioning him slashing his throat with his finger, mouthing the word 'stop' over and over.

"Why, that's an interesting fact indeed, Miss Stark!" She laughed awkwardly, "Is that why you live with your uncle now?"


"Okay! Thank you for sharing that." She pointed to the back of the room. "You can sit in the row behind Mr. Parker. Peter? Can you raise your hand so Alli knows where to go?"

Peter shakily rose his hand and waved at me stiffly.

I walked back there and sat in the empty seat behind him.

The classroom had five rows with three tables each that could have up to two students sitting at each one. No one was beside me.

I placed my bag in the empty chair and took a seat.
The teacher continued with her lesson and Peter whipped around to me.

"You like it here so far?" He whispered to me.

I nodded my head.

"Got a schedule?"

I handed him the paper and he observed it.

"Wow! We almost have every class together except for second period." He handed the paper back to me while he still whispered. "I heard Ms. Hooper is a good teacher."


"The teacher for your Parenting class-"

The teacher cleared her throat loudly. "Mr. Parker, is there a reason you're distracting Miss Stark in the middle of my lesson?"

He faced her. "Sorry, ma'am."

He turned to me quickly as she went back to the lesson.

"I'll walk you to her class."

The course was over in twenty minutes. She spoke on things I've never heard of and she expected everyone else to understand, and they did. I felt badly left out.

However, a bell rang loudly throughout the room and everyone jumped out of their seats and started to leave. The teacher didn't mind this rude behavior, for all she did was wave and told us she'd see us tomorrow.

Peter grabbed his bag and slipped it on while facing me. "You ready to go?" He asked.

I slowly stood up and slipped on my bag as well.

"I suppose," I sighed.

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