02- A.V.S.

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Total chaos. Absolute chaos. Teenagers flooded the area as I tried to make a path to get inside the large building.
All their heartbeats pounded so loudly that all I could sense was constant rhythmic shaking.
I could also feel the hard, cold stares from people as I treaded on through the mess.

I instantly knew that this public school thing was going to be a bad idea.

I finally made it through the front doors and tried to find the Principal's office, as Tony instructed me to the night before.

"Go to him, say nothing, hand him this paper and the rest will be taken cared of." He told me while he gulped down his third cup of coffee in the middle of the night.

I looked for signs on the walls. Any little signals to show me where to go, but I found none.

I stood in the middle of the crowded hallway as students circled around me.

"You new here?" A voice said to me.

I whipped around and a tall girl with dark skin, pretty hair and an outfit that looked like something Miss Potts would buy stared down at me while smiling proudly.

I nodded my head.

"Are you looking for the Principal's office?" She asked.

I nodded my head again.

Her smile grew wider. "Okay! I'll show you! Is that okay?"

"It's okay," I said hoarsely as my voice decided to give out at the end of my sentence. I cleared my throat. "Thank you."

"No problem! My name is Liz, by the way." She held out her hand.

I grabbed it and we firmly shook hands. I opened my mouth to say something but Tony popped back into my mind.

Say. Nothing.

I closed my mouth and tried to mimic her smile.

"That's nice." I said.

She let go of my hand and started to guide me down the hall. She led me to a fogged glass door with the words 'Principal's Office' painted on there in a metallic gold paint.

Liz turned to me and smiled once more. "Well, here we are! Just tell the lady at the front desk that you're new and that should take care of everything! Have a great first day!"

She waved as she left and I waved back.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I went to the woman at the desk as she was typing something on her computer.

"Can I help you?" She said without looking away from the monitor.

"I'm new here." I said.

She stopped typing and glanced up at me. "Ah, yes, the new girl. Principal Morita is waiting in his office for you. You can walk on in." She returned back to her computer.

"Thank you." I walked to the door behind her desk that also said 'Principal's Office' and knocked quietly.

"Come in," They told me.

I slowly opened the door and the Principal was starting to rise out of his chair to greet me.

"Hello! It's so nice to finally meet you!" He held out his hand and I shook it. "I have been told great things about you!"

I released his hand. "You have?"

He returned back to his seat and sat down. "Of course!" He motioned for me to sit in one of the seats in front of him.

I sat down and handed him the paper. He looked at it intently before smiling proudly.

"It's truly an honor to have the niece of the Tony Stark to be here at Midtown School of Science and Technology." He laughed to himself. "Crazy to believe that that Howard Stark rumor of him having another son was actually true, huh?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Your uncle already called in about your information, but I asked for a paper so everything can be down in ink." He sat the paper down on his desk. "You like to go by 'Alli' correct?"

"Excuse me?"

"Here it says your name is 'Allison Virginia Stark' but your uncle informed us that you usually go by your nickname. Is that what you want to us to call you?"


"Okay! I'll make sure to let everyone know!" He typed something into his computer and handed me another sheet of paper.

"There's your schedule," He said as he returned back to typing, "On there should be the time, door number, and teacher's name for each of your periods. Do you have any questions?"

"I don't think so?"

He stood up. "Great! Let me show you to your first class."

He went to the door and I followed. We walked down the empty hallways together in silence before he stopped in front of a door.

"Here we are! Hope you enjoy Chemistry!" He knocked proudly and swung the door open before anyone told him he could come in.

The woman in the front of the room abruptly stopped talking and immediately smiled at the man. "Hello, Principal Morita!"

The Principal waved to her and then motioned for me to come in and also interrupt the class.

"I'd like everyone to meet Alli Stark! She'll be your new classmate starting today." He went to the door and held out a thumbs up toward me. "Good luck!" He slammed the door behind him as he left.

I stared at the teacher. She smiled at me and asked if I could tell the class something interesting about myself.

I could feel the classroom shaking from all the heartbeats. However, I could sense one in particular that was beating faster than the rest.

I turned to the students to speak. Then, I spotted something familiar in the back row.


Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a small fun fact about Alger's fake name as Tony's niece: it was completely chosen by Stark himself, and her middle name is none other than Pepper Potts's actual first name, Virginia!

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