Chapter 8: How can I forget you

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Simon's POV:

I stay in bed all day today. It was hard to get recovery when the woman you always in love with send you an invitation of her wedding with another man that you don't even know his face. In the evening, Amanda seems to report about her wedding to the news. Many newspaper start to write about them. My phone suddenly ring, it's Piers Morgan
- Hi, Piers
- Oh, Simon. I receive a call from Manda, she told me that you have return in London.
- Yes, I've returned for a day
- About Amanda's wedding next month, you must have been inform about it. What do you think I should buy for her as a wedding present?
-It's up to you... Sorry, I'm not feeling well right now. We should talk about it later
- Oh, your voice is quite slack. Have some rest Simon
I immediately turn off the phone. I really don't want to receive any calls, just stay alone like this. Thinking about Amanda all day is driving me crazy.
However, in the evening, I drive to my friend's house- Harry to ask him for some advice.
- Why you suddenly drive to mine Simon? You've never done it before!
Harry asked me. He seems really surprised. He also brings out a bottle of wine. I pour a glassful and start to drink
- You really make me worried Simon. Anything wrong has happen, doesn't it?
- Do you know Amanda Holden?
- Of course, she is your partner in BGT and she is also a beautiful woman. Oh... I've read a new that she will get married next month with her boyfriend. But what's the problem?
- I have a crush on her... Maybe I love her
I sigh.
- Hmm...So that's the reason why you look miserable like this. I know it's hard seeing your loved woman getting married
I don't reply him, I just sitting on the sofa and pour another glass of wine
- Come on, don't be like that. You have everything now, Simon. Beauty, money and fame! Million ladies outside want to be yours. I sometimes be jealous of you. Why do you have to pay so much attention on her?
- Are you try to comfort me Harry?
I glance at him. He is actually a really good friend who always cares of me.
- Will you come to her wedding? You should congrate her. If you guys couldn't be a couple, remain friend!
- It won't be easy going to a wedding that you used to sleep with the bride
- What??? You guys have already slept together. Holly cow!!!
- We were both drunk at that time. And I don't know that she has a boyfriend at that time. If her future husband know this, I may get into trouble
- I don't think Amanda will tell the truth. Don't to be worry. Stop drinking Simon... In case you get too drunk and do something to me
Harry tries to make me laugh. He comes toward me and prevent me from drinking more.
- Get your coat, I will take you home. Stop thinking about that woman.
When we arrive at my house, Harry gives back my key and says he is gonna catch a taxi back to his house.

I'm lying on my bed as soon as I got home and thinking about Harry's advice.
"He's right. Maybe my feeling for Amanda is just temporary. As soon as I become deeper in work, I will soon forget her. Many women for me to choose, Amanda is not the only choice"
But not even a single minute that I change my mind.
"Is that guy a good person... Will he make Amanda happy. Or should I come to her wedding and abduct her!? Aizzz, what am I thinking now! If I do that, she will never look at my face again"
I've never been like this before. It's because I could clearly remember Amanda says that she has a crush on me. At that time, she was on date with Chris, but she didn't tell me that truth. This is the reason why I just keep my feeling. I realize that it won't be easy for me to forget her.
Why she always be so kind and talking to me in such a flirty way? Why does she not tell us that she has her own man? And why, she held my hands and whisper that she wanted me to stay with her that night?

Amanda's POV

Chris took me home after we eating dinner together. He is a really good man. Even though we only dated less than one year, I can feel that he will be the person I could rely on. I was taken aback when he proposed me because it was so suddenly, but I accepted his proposal. I have made a mistake one time, Chris knows that, he knew I'm not a reliable person. However, he still want to be my husband, want to raise a happy family with me, he actually moved me.

I did make a mistake with Chris before he proposed to me. I can't blame Simon because I was the person who started that night. I don't know why I've done that. Not because I was drunk, I was conscious enough. To say the truth, I truly need him stay with me that night, I really want to be more than friend with Simon, and so does him. I had a feeling Simon will confess after the dinner, so I didn't let him to do that. If he said he love me, I might have changed my mind and run to his side. However, I realized my limitation, I don't want to fool my fiancé anymore. It was hurt to inform to the man you love that you will get married, and then force yourself to forget all the times we been together. Simon, he definitely has the same feeling with me.

All the moment we pass together, it won't be easy for me to forget. I'm afraid that if we on dating and then broke up just like others couple, I might lose him forever. Remain friend is the only way to be with him. We will still be partner in BGT this season and maybe many years later.
Yahhhh!!! I'm trying my best to write as much as I can before my school-term start this August :(( My first year in high school gonna be difficult
I will update some quotes of the new chapter on Instagram [@ _sharon.le ]❤

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