Chapter 14: Endless night

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Simon's POV

Amanda said that she wants to be a little bit drunk today, and she did.
  Piers and Stephen comes to Amanda with a bottle of wine and ask her to drink with them. She didn't even hesitated for a second and replying with a "big fat" yes. I've got a phone call from my co-worker so I couldn't stop her from doing that.  When I come back, they have already drunk half of it
-Oh Simon, where have you been? Come here, we're having fun. We're now playing truth and dare. It's Amanda's turn
Stephen called me
I come and sit next to Amanda, put my arm around her chair
-So, truth or dare, Mandy!?
Piers asked
-Well, I think I will choose dare!
- I dare you to drink the rest of the wine in one-shot!
-Hey, even you couldn't do that, Stephen! Ok, I'll try
Amanda grabs the bottle and starts to drink. She quickly drinks and seems no difficulty in finish the dare
-All done, guys
Her voice is quite slack now
-You're really good at drinking. So we will continue the game. You will join us, won't you Simon!?
I nod. Stephen holds a marker and turns it around. It stops, at me
- Our big boss, truth or dare?
-Truth, ask me everything you want
- It's your turn to ask him, 'manda
-Oh, yes Piers... Are you now having any special feeling to somebody?
She challenged
-Yes, I am
-Really, who is it???
All of them are curious about it
- Just only one question. I have no responsibility to answer the next question
-You have said we can ask you everything, Simon!
-I did, but just one. I'll give you a clue. You guys know that person
I quickly glance at Amanda. I don't know whether it would be good or not that she still didn't realize how much I love her. I used to confess once, but we actually both drunk at that time, so I don't think she remembered it.
Stephen continues to turn the marker, and it points me again
-Today isn't your lucky day, Simon
Stephen teased at me
-And you must choose dare!
He continued
-Alright, whatever you want
-I dare you to kiss Manda on her lips
Amanda blushed. She looks confused
-I can do everything, except that!
-No way to turn back, Simon
Stephen smiles
-So I'd better drink
-Unfortunately, Amanda has just drunk the rest
I don't know what to do. I look at Amanda and whispered to her
-May I...?
-Go ahead, darling
She replied
I slowly reach her lips. It is warm, and  have the scent of wine. She's drunk quite a lot. After it, she leans on my shoulder
-Don't ever ask him to do that again, you two naughty guys!
Amanda said
-It's good that we could all gather together like this
Piers sighed
-He's right... I hope all of us will always be together, like a family
Amanda continued
-I also hope so. However, I'm not the only person choosing the judge for this show... So don't look at me like that!
I huffed
It's quite late now. Ant and Dec have left the party. Piers also left after received a call from his wife
-I think I'll call a taxi. It is impossible to drive by myself
Stephen said
-Do you think Amanda is still sober?
I asked
-I don't think so, judging by the way she leans on you and fall asleep like that
-You and Piers shouldn't let her drank so much!
-Oh, common Simon! Because she said she wants to drink. I don't know that she couldn't drink much... Can you take her home?
-Don't worry. You know we are really close
-Take care of Manda
He said, and then left
I try to wake Amanda up. I know where is her house, but I don't have the key and the password
-Darling, wake up... Where did you put your house's key
It's no use doing that, she's sleeping soundly. I have no choice but take her to my house
The taxi arrives to my house. After paying for the driver, I hold Amanda in my arms and bring her into my room. I put her on my bed, as carefully as I can, or else she will wake up.
I sit on the bed and start looking at her beautiful face, just like a little puppy. I fondle her hair gently and give her a kiss on her forehead
-Goodnight, sweetheart
I get out of the room and change my clothes. It'd be better if I sleep in another room tonight, in case she wake up in the morning and see me next to her. It would be confused for both of us, especially when Amanda has got married.
My house is quite big so there are spare room for me. It isn't really comfortable to sleep on a new bed so I could hardly fall asleep, although I am exhausted now. I lay on bed and think about Amanda, she is really near me. There is just a thick wall between us. However, I can do nothing, I must realize my limitation and stop at the right time
" This is all I can do for you. Take you home, make sure that you're having a tight sleep and if you have nightmare, I will help you feel better. I won't let wrong things happen again, because I have made that promise "
It's gonna be a long night for me

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