Chapter 18: Without you

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Alesha's POV
Simon informed to me about Amanda's leaving, which make me feel really sad. Even though I can come and visit her, it will be a big emptiness without Amanda, my best friend on the judge panel. But I soon realized that Simon was more sad than me. He seems melancholy and tired these days on the show. Me and David tried us best to make him feels better but it wasn't really work  out.
-Simon, are you ok?
I asked when seeing him completely depressed at the end of the day
-I don't think so darling. I'm a little bit headache
He answered in a low tone.
-You'd better go home Simon. I've never seen you like this before. Is Amanda the reason...?
-Don't worry about me. I was actually quite sick recently. Moreover, I hope you won't tell anything about me to her, I've promised to Amanda that I'm gonna handle the show well so...
-Oh Simon, I will. Therefore, you'll have to get your mood back. I'm sure Amanda will feel uneasy when knows you being like this
I said, give him a hug and say goodbye to him

Simon's POV
David and Alesha was all worrying for me, which make me feel apologetic. I try not to think about Amanda; however cause we've been together for so long, it definitely won't be easy. I put on a fake smile every day on the show, and make sure I won't let Alesha and David worried about me. Actually, sitting next to Alseha on the show is great. She's a nice and beautiful lady. David is hilarious and friendly except the truth that he's quite annoying sometimes. Me and David are soon getting closer day by day and the audience seems into the "chemistry" between us. Honestly, I've actually been driving crazy by David so much that I extremely crave for Amanda's coming back
-Gosh, I need Amanda right now
I moaned. We're having our break in the resting room
-Why darling? You've already got me
He whispered, while laying his heavy body on my thighs. He starts to caress my face with his hands
-Oh, you guys are so sweet! Amanda must see this!!!
Alesha said and took out her phone for a picture. I guess she will send it straight to Amanda, base on her smile
-Hey guys, Amanda has replied me!
Alesha shouted with excitement, and brought the phone toward us. I was completely embarrassed, but still curious about what Amanda replied
-"Oh, I'm so glad that you guys are all well. I love the photo so much, Damon is so cute!!! Tell David to take care of Simon while I'm not there. I'll give all permission to David , I really trust in him" smile and smile emoji with a big heart
Alesha said in a astutely tone and smirked
-Send back to her that I really appreciate and, of course I make sure my Simon will be fine
David winked. I was so focus on Amanda replying  that I don't care what David is saying. That way of talking, is truly Amanda, which I've not heard for a while. I miss her so much.

Five months later
Season 6 is nearly ended. We're filming our finale next week and I'm quite used to being on the show without Amanda. I thought I can forget about her, that's when she suddenly invited us to her house for dinner
Me, David and Alesha come together in my car to Amanda's house. She's standing at the front door waiting for us, dressing in a long tunic dress to cover her big belly. She waves as soon as recognizes my car
Alesha immediately ran toward and hugged Amanda tight
-Oh darling, I miss you so much
Amanda said. Then David gave her a hug too
-How about me? Can I hug you?
I smiled
-No, you can't. Cause you're too bossy... I'm just kidding, come her, Simon
She cranes her body takes my head in her hands, also tries her best to avoid attacking the baby inside
-I miss you so much darling
I whispered, and put my arms around her. We're just standing outside hugging each other for nearly one minute until Alesha shouts
-Aren't you guys will continue like that till morning? Chris is waiting for us, let's go in
-Alright wifey, I'm coming!
Amanda blushed, quickly got her hands off my neck
-How can a woman at the middle of the pregnancy hug me tight like that?
I asked
-Is that so tight?
Her question was so stupid but adorable, and I decided to keep teasing her
-I thought my neck was nearly moved out of my body...
-Because I miss you so bad. I miss your hug, your kiss, your voice, I miss everything about you... And I miss the time we've been together
My heart skipped a beat when hearing her said that, because she's having the same feeling as I am and the way she said it was really sincere

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