Chapter Six

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Unlocking the door to my aunts apartment I was bracing myself for her wrath and boy did she deliver. I might have been taught how to defend myself from attack physically but in life, even Emilio was scared of my aunts anger. She was a formidable women though and coming from where she grew up, it was understandable. She had told me a little about where she was from, some place full of evil and horrible corruption. I assumed she meant a bad neighborhood here in the states. She yelled at me for a while but I knew that she was just worried. She couldn't bear to lose anyone else that she loved. Her husband and daughter died in a hit and run car accident about two years ago. They never caught the guy and I think that's what bothers her the most. She dismissed me after I told her what happened at work with Emilio and even gave me her condolences.

I was totally drained after Emilio dying, then being taken by Jarek to be with the others, and then escaping like a BOSS. Sleep was calling me and as I made my way to my room I tripped over the hall mat and fell.

I picked myself up off the floor and dust myself off. How do I breathe with out choking? Actually scratch that it happened.

I opened the door to my room and kicked off my shoes. At least I was going to pass out soon. I looked for my dolphin onesie and spotting the blue material I grabbed it from over my desk chair. I changed and went out to get a glass of water. When I can back though, it felt like something in the room had changed, I chalked it up to just one of those feelings that you get and shook it off. But just to be safe I grabbed a dagger from the desk drawer and hid it under my pillow. I had weapons all over my room but to the untrained eyes you'd never notice.

I went to sleep too exhausted to be up another second.


In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of my window shades flapping. I tensed, they had been closed when I went to bed. I tried to stay quiet and listened for a presence in the room. I couldn't hear a thing so I turned my head to check my room and cane eye to torso with someone standing over me.

A little girl no older than nine stood there looking at me with eyes bruised beyond belief. She had bruises and scratches all over her face as if she had been attacked. A dirt smeared white dress concealed her body. I turned on the desk lamp and sat up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. Her eyes opened wide and a bloody scarlet gaze met mine. She didn't say a word but instead she cocked her head to the side and lifted a muddy hand to my cheek. The feel of her skin on mine burned like fire. When I tried to scream she placed a hand over my mouth but that only increased the pain. I flailed and kicked her in the chest. She flew away from me hitting my dresser. I got up and looked at my face. Small hand prints had scorched there way onto my cheeks.

There was a sickening cackle from the girls corner in the room. I looked at her a horrified expression on my face.

"What are you?" I whispered reaching behind my pillow and grasping the hilt of a small dagger for safety's sake. After the day I'd had I was not about to take any chances. She looked up at me with a sickening grin plastered on her filthy face.

"You are strong for a mortal." She giggles. She twists and from her body erupts a startling crack that makes me shudder. She screeches in what sounds like pain and joy. Her torso rips half and deep red circles begin to form in the air around her body. Within the circles were symbols that were completely foreign to me. Inky black wings spread from her back and when she smiles her teeth are sharp and pointed like needles. Her nails have become pearly white claws and I know that I might just die tonight. Because if it's possible for a creature like her to exist..

I should have stayed with the others at least they could explain a  Manananggal in my room.

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