Chapter Fifteen

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I ran after the infuriating girl even while she was cackling down the road. She made it past the corner before I could and I picked up pace. I needed to keep up with her; using my magic from my ceraptor form I heightened my speed and began to catch up with her. I was just barely behind her when she tucked and rolled behind me.

I began to look back at her, "Oh no, what's wrong?" I smirked, "Can't keep up?" I turned back at the last second just to see a wooden plank. And then I ran into it. My head collided with the thick wood and my body ricocheted off of it and onto the concrete floor beneath me.

Akiriya stood above me a cold smirk cracking the hardness of her features. Her eyes, at least in this lighting, looked dead. The green looking lifeless and closed off. She looked hard as ice and her voice was even colder, making me flinch.

"Get up, pretty boy." she sneered. I watched her as I picked myself up off of the ground and dusted off my clothing. "Rule number one, never lose sight of your surroundings."

I chuckled at that, "Are you trying to teach me something now?" I studied her face, trying to read her. What was her motive for tricking me? What was she planning? "It's almost ironic, what with you having all of these questions and no knowledge of anything useful." I leaned against the wooden plank and made eye contact with her. The sun was just starting to go down and her face was cast in a golden hue, her copper skin gleaming with the barely noticeable sheen of sweat on her face. Her beautiful curls had been swept up in a ponytail at the base of her neck, a few unruly curls doing their own thing.

"I want answers. Real ones, and I want no distractions."

I nodded, this was serious for her and I would do whatever to help her transition into this new life she was about to begin. "Well it's a good thing that I'm in a very giving mood then, huh?"

A blade whistled as it flew past my ear and I flinched when it embedded itself in the wood right next to my head. I glanced at it and then at my surroundings, really taking them in. we were in an alley. A cat glared at my from it's perch at the top of a trash can. The smell of rotting food permeated the air and the ground was covered in wet stains, though I knew it hadn't rained. I was prepared to gag. I didn't do well in germ y places. I was a bit of a germaphobe.

She finally smiled at me, it was wicked, but a smile nonetheless. "Yeah I'll feel bad for bringing you here later, but I figured this would be a suitable location for our conversation."

I inhaled sharply and then gagged again. "I'm gonna be sick. How could you have known this would be the worse place for me?" she knew my biggest fear, but we hadn't even spoken that much since our first encounter at Emilio's home.

She shrugged, "Something just told me." Huh, I'd have to file that away for later. "Look I don't want to hurt you okay? I just," she took a quivering breath and I looked at her. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears and she was shaking. We knew that all of this had been taking a toll on her, but not to this extent.

I put my hands up in surrender and gave her a concerned look. "I'll answer everything."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Thank you, but, if I even think your lying..." another knife embedded itself into the wood, this time right next to my throat, I gulped. What kind of person had skill like this? Not even some of the best warriors back home had this kind of skill and to be able to aim and throw a knife in the blink of an eye was nearly impossible. At least for a human, but I had to remind myself that she was no human, she was celestial royalty and she was amazing.

Her abilities made me want to fight by her side until my last breath, I just hoped she wouldn't kill me before I could see her in action.

"No lies. I swear."

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