Chapter Nine

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~Akiriya ~
     I didn't hear anything from anyone the rest of the weekend and part of me was a little upset about it but of course the other side of me was glad that they seemed to be leaving me alone. Emory had left right after she had gotten rid of Saffron and Zelisa but she kept on texting me to make sure that I was doing well.
I'd spent the entire weekend just trying to keep myself entertained, but it was harder than I had expected it to be.
Monday had finally rolled around and I was getting out of my car, that I had picked up from the course. It had been bittersweet seeing the building. The closed sign was up along with a small note that said 'closed until further notice'. The building itself seemed sad. The bright red color of the bricks looked dull and depressed. The parts of the building that had been eroded by the constant change in weather made it look shabby and run down. It wasn't the same.
I was strolling into the school building when someone yelled out to me, "Akiriya!"
I turned and saw Emory in all of her glory, a bright smile on her face, her dark tresses curled to into perfect ringlets and a there was this glow to her skin that surprised me. It was like light was seeping from her pores. She looked different from the last time I had seen her. Where she had been pale and fragile looking like porcelain she was now tanned and it was as if the sun itself was running through her veins. Her plain t shirt and jeans looked better than any version of the outfit I had ever seen on anyone.
I raised a brow at her and noticed a that all of my male peers were looking at her with appreciative eyes, one even went so far as to whistle at her. Anger pulsed through me at the action and something inside me had the need to put him in his place. What the hell? Emory stopped walking right in front of me, ignoring all of the guys who were now watching the both of us.
I knew what I looked like, my long, dark kinky curls and smooth chocolate skin. My breasts were more than average, I had hips that didn't lie and a pretty nice booty. I don't think I'm being conceited when I say that I'm as hot as hell itself, I own a mirror, but it's not something that I like to flaunt. I like just sitting in the background. But now thanks to Emory bringing attention to us people were noticing my existence and I wasn't a fan.
"Hey, Emory, what are you doing here?" I asked, pulling her down the hall and around the corner.
All she did was smile like everything was fine. She looked down at the marking on her hand and her grin grew. "I'm here to do my job, Akiriya. I have to be with you wherever you go." She looked back up at me, "I have to protect you." I just blinked at her and turned away. This was not going to be a good Monday.
Emory caught up with me easily and just walked next to me in silence, I could feel her eyes on me but I ignored them, just as I ignored all the glances and whispers that chased me down the hall.
I sighed, and realized that by the time I got to my class the whole school would already be talking, whether people cared or not, they'd know. Thank you grapevine. I stopped short in the hall when I saw the group of people that I thought had been avoiding me all weekend.
Saffron, Calvin, Yama, Zelisa, and Jarek all stood by my locker leaning against it in some way that made the air around them vibrate with energy. I was beyond this. Who the hell were all of these people trying to butt their way into my life? But I had to mention that they looked good. Saffron's bugundy hair was braided with decorated with hair accessories that made her look elegant and kickass at the same time. The skin right T-shirt that she was wearing made my eyes roam over her figure and my stomach started swirling with heat. When I noticed it I looked away from her to Yama only to find that he was looking just as good clad in a checkered black and white coat, ripped head and suede dress shoes. His hair was out of his beanie and I realized that his dark hair had streaks of silver throughout it. Ares' asscrack! Was I at a fashion shoot or school? My attention was diverted to Calvin. He had a smirk on his face and when I took in his attire I almost had a heart attack. A pair of forest green timberland boots, light washed jeans and a white sweater that had a mouth parted licking between two fingers that looked like they were giving a peace sign. It said 'vagitarian' in bold letters and I rolled my eyes at his chuckles de wink. But he still looked hot. Zelisa was clad in white overalls with a pink crop top underneath and pink crocs. Her blue hair was in a messy bun that looked as though she had tried to dress down but it looked so pretty and it almost looked like there were waves of heat pulsing off of every strand. Absolutely stunning.
I looked away from the freakishly pretty people and went to move towards my locker. My eyes were still on Zelisa, So when my hand made contact with a hard chest I jumped back and landed on my ass. I heard a snicker from above me and glared at Jarek. And you've guessed it he looked good too. The pink tips of his black hair hung over his face and his eyes gleamed with amusement and something else but I didn't have the chance to find out because it was gone immediately. I looked at his outfit only to find that he looked pretty average in just a long sleeved button up with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearm. In the collar was a blue bow tie and he had on jeans and simple dress shoes. He looked more dresses down than Zelisa. I glanced around the hall and realized that people were admiring them the same way that I was.
My jealousy spiked when I saw Calvin give a girl a glance and she winked back at him. I unconsciously took a step towards him to block the other girl's view. Calvin looked at me with a raised brow and leaned to whisper in my ear, "If you want me to yourself all you have to do is ask." I scoffed at him and looked at Jarek silently asking him to move out of the way of my locker. He moved and I gave him a brief smile. A large grin broke out onto his face.
When I looked behind me I took notice of how Clarice was gaping at the beautiful people with no shame. Then when I glanced at Emory and saw the annoyance that she was trying to keep off of her face. I walked up to my locker and the group of them parted so that I could get through completely and then formed somewhat of a protective circle around me. I didn't so much as breathe in their direction as I put things away and grabbed my textbook and journal for my first class. I looked at Emory again and saw that she was glaring daggers at all of them.
"Emory," I said slowly, closing my locker, "what's your class schedule? I might as well take you." I put my hand out for her schedule and she reached into the small purse that was on her hip. I grabbed it and had to reread it a few times. "How do you have all of the same classes as I do?" my head was starting to hurt and the tension in the air felt like it was pushing down on my body, crushing me under the weight of it.
Emory just giggled cutely, grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from my locker and out of the group. I saw the flash on anger on Saffron's and Zelisa's faces and, I don't know why, but the reaction made me giddy. I looked back at the guys but their gazes were focused on my hand in Emory's. She pulled me maybe two feet before there was a hand on my wrist. I looked behind Yama holding it with a light but firm grip.
"You need to let go of her and leave manananggal." he said through gritted teeth, "Your services aren't needed, as a matter of fact, you aren't wanted." he tugged at my arm and then gave a harsh pull that made my arm pop at the elbow and I was pulled away from Emory and against Yama's hard chest. The warmth from his skin made me relax and my muscles unclench. My head was rested right over his ribcage and I swear I felt a vibration and a...pur?
"She has marked me Panther, so the only one who commands me is her." she looked at me, "Is that what you wish Aki? For me to go?"
I shook my head, which was hard considering my position, " I want you to stay."
She smirked at Yama and grabbed my hand dislodging my from his grip and together we walked away from the tension that was that group of people. Clarice looked at me from here position across the hall and tapped her phone. I pulled mine out and saw that she had texted me fourteen full length paragraphs asking me what was going on with me and all of the new kids.
Monday was starting out great.

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