Chapter Twenty-Three

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The doors opened and I walked into a large circular room made of marble and gold. Large windows towered over us and they were so clear that if it weren't for the gleam on them, I wouldn't have known existed. People, maybe hundreds of them, of many different colors shapes and sizes sat on seats that lined the walls. They all wore robes of different colors and they were all sitting in color groups. It was mostly a variety of warm colors. Yellow, reds, and oranges. The only people not wearing the colors were a group of eight who wore white outfits and another smaller group who wore grey. It struck me as strange that there was an empty chair up there. Was someone late? They were seated in the center of the room, across from a small marble podium.

I looked around for a familiar face but I was unsuccessful in finding a single one. I took another look around and realized that everyone was looking at me. I straightened my shoulders and walked forward to the podium. I assumed that was where I was supposed to stand and so I did. I looked towards the official looking people and realized that they must have been the council and the Academic whoever. Tanda was among the smaller group of people along with four other people who looked equally as dangerous and powerful in their gold attire.

A man stood up from the group. "Good afternoon Miss Akiriya."

I walked to stand at the podium and looked him in the eye. I don't know what possessed me to do what I did, but I knew that if I showed weakness there would be no coming back. I only nodded in response and his mouth thinned.

"I am Councilman Alik, head of the Council of Five. We on the council handle the governing of Helios in place of the late royal family." He said it with pride but there was an undertone of threat like he was trying to assert his dominance over me and the land.

I nodded again and his jaw clenched.

"Do you know why you are here today, Miss Akiriya?"

"No," I replied shortly and there was a gleam in his eyes, "but I'm sure that you'll tell me." I smiled sweetly. I didn't know why I wanted to annoy this man but he gave me the same vibes that Tanda gave me. There was a dark undertone to his aura and it didn't sit well with me.

"Many things have been...brought to our attention and investigation is needed."

A woman with a short black bob who looked of middle eastern heritage spoke up, "We would like to address the concerns that have been brought to our attention."

Councilman Alik paused and looked at her sharply. She'd interrupted him and he didn't appreciate it. There was tension there and it was something that I would store in the back of my mind for later.

Councilman Alik nodded, "Yes, as Councilwoman Sunni stated, there are rumors flying around our peaceful community one again about the royal family." The groups of people around us began to murmur. "We are here today to put those rumors to rest." he looked directly at me as he said it and I raised a brow at him. He was addressing the room now, "This young woman has been brought before you because it is rumored that she is the daughter of the late Queen Tessalyn."

I paused at the name. My mother had always gone by Lynn when she was around but it had to be a coincidence. Sure, I had crazy powers all of a sudden but there was no way that I was also royalty. I glanced at Tanda and she looked back at me with a smug smile. All of the times that she had called me princess and queen came back to me and I internally groaned. You had to be shitting me.

Alik looked back at me and shook his head. "Young lady, I'm sorry if you have been dragged all of the way out here after having your head filled with such a wild notion but the claim is impossible."

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