Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


I was floating through nothing and everything was dark. I couldn't feel my body, I couldn't see or hear anything. I floated through this space for what felt like forever. Minutes became hours, days weeks. I felt like i aged lifetimes, only to then go flying.

There was a pull in my gut, kind of like a rope tied to my soul. I was pulled into fire. Flames roared high and smoke burned my lungs. I was blinded by the light and then I was soothed as ashes fell from the sky, landing in a small circle until a girl rose from them and the bright red fire became a cool, vibrant blue. I heard the screech of an animal, almost like a bird, in the distance.

My sight went dark again and this time all I could see was a forest. The greenery shimmered with dew and the air smelled fresh. It was a freeing feeling and all I wanted to do was take a nap with the sun shining on my skin.

A green, shimmering wind fluttered past me and I saw a shadowy figure move just past my line of vision. I heard a rustling and I turned to see seven bright white tails swishing rapidly. I tried to step forward but fell and landed back into nothingness. I could feel my body again. And when I landed into the next plane all I felt was heat. The earth was burning my skin and lava poured down my flesh. The smell of it making me gag. I screamed and cried. But the then it became a soothing feeling, like a caress and a thunderous roar shattered the calm.

More lights flashed and when the stopped a sleek, black clade made its way over to me, the hilt was covered in intricate carvings with small lights shining out of it. 

"Queenie queen, why so mean? Can't you see that people want your power? Turn the queen dark, kill her sun spark, and shadows will rule all.", It sang to me. 

"What does that even mean?"

"So, stupid. Trust no one. I'll fight for you, this blade anew, and cut your foes down. But beware, of those who care, for they will be your end."

"Stop speaking in rhymes you-"

"Your mates await, so now you wake and keep them close for your own sake."

It floated into my hand and darkness overcame my vision.

"Riya! Wake up!", a voice shouted and I opened my eyes to see Emory looking over me. I was surrounded by the others, worried looks all over their faces. She had a tear in her eye and, unconsciously, my hand raised to sooth her.

With a voice that was not my own I whispered, "Don't cry sweet mates, I am fine. I would never leave you. We are forever." and then I kissed her. And then,

"WHAT THE HELL!" Zelisa screamed. 


I want to say thank you to @CrystalTiger13 for voting on my story and I want to let y'all know that I really appreciate all the reads. this has me really excited and I can't wait to keep giving you more. 

Thank you!!


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