Chapter Eight

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I stare wide eyed at Zelisa as she walks into the room and glares hard at Emory.
"Did you just burn my door down?" I asked, frustrated. How was I supposed to explain a charred door?
She breaks her glare at Emory and glances, briefly, at the ashes on the floor. "Maybe. It's not important, who is she?" She points a dagger at Emory.
"I'm her protector." Emory nearly growled at Zelisa.
Zelisa laughed the most sarcastic laugh I have ever heard and seemed to have been about to go in on her when Saffron took her place.
"No you aren't, we are and you are violating certain protocols that your tiny brain can't handle understanding." Hmm..that was a lot from there.
"Look I think you just need to calm down and think rationally, I was marked, you, were not." Emory ground out the last part like she was about to do something wild.
"Everyone just calm he hell down and get out of my room." I glared at the three women standing in front of me, Emory backed down immediately and Zelisa looked a bit taken aback but she unclenches almost right after. Saffron just rolled her eyes.
"I said I want you out, that means leave." I said it through gritted teeth. It was early in the morning and I was feeling exhausted beyond belief. They, Saffron and Zelisa, completely ignored me and I thought I was going to have to yell again when Emory waved a hand and they dissolved into a puff of smoke.
I screeched, "What did you do?!"
Emory snapped her fingers again and the door fixed it's self coming up like a Phoenix and piecing itself back together with until it was perfect. Like nothing had ever happened.
"I did my job Akiriya, thy weren't going to leave and as your new protector it is my job to keep you safe from anyone who tries to bring you harm."
"Um okay, but where did you send them?"
She looked at me and smirked, "The bottom of the Grand Canyon."

So sorry for the short chapter but I will definitely be sure to add more as soon as possible! Thank you to the people who have been reading!

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