Chapter Eleven

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I fell to the floor and looked at the woman at the door. She was beyond beautiful. She had gorgeous dark skin and gray hair that fell to her ankles in dreads. The outfit that she wore reminded me of the clothing that was seen in textbooks about the women of Rome. She was wearing a simple grey material that stopped mid calf. Her eyes were dark and everything about her seemed perfect.
She looked down on me with disapproving eyes and scoffed, "On the floor our queen sits, in a room where humans take their shits." She snapped her fingers and next thing I knew I was sitting in a throne made of stone with gold outlining the armrests.
I look at her with narrowed eyes, "Who the hell are you and what do you want?"
Her eyes blazed with fire and I almost wanted to shrink back but something told me that I shouldn't. I fingered the switchblade in my pocket, ready for a showdown, when Saffron came into the bathroom followed by Zelisa, adn Calvin. They looked towards me and then the woman and they bowed to her. Like, they literally bent at the hips and damn near grovelled at her heel clad feet.
Calvin spoke up first, "Councilwoman Tanda, it is a pleasure to see you." his voice was tight and cold and the way that he looked at her spoke volumes. He clearly had something against her and if he didnt like her then neither did I.
"Foxy boy and flaming girls, clutch secrets like mother's pearls. Tanda knew the lies you told, for Tanda is both wise and old."
"Why the hell is this woman speaking in rhymes?" I ask them. This was beyond weird and my mind was racing and my breathing was going haywire. "You know what? Nope." I stood up out of my chair and moved to walk past these crazy people. All eyes were on me including Tanda's and when I really paid attention the color of her eyes seemed to be moving. Nope.
Saffron moved in front of me sensing my train of thought. "Akiriya you can't-"
"Nope. Nope. Nope!" I pushed past Saffron and then my eyes met Zelisa's and I immediately looked away at the thought of her mouth on mine.
Calvin grabbed me and I ripped my hand out of his. He rolled his eyes in frustration, "Akiriya dammit this is Tanda, the second-in-command councilwoman of  our home." he gestured to himself and the girls, "You can't just walk away, you don't have the authority."
I glared at him, "I don't have the authority to what? Get away from you crazy people?" My blood was boiling. How dare he? I was my own person! I was almost at the door when the woman, Tanda, spoke. "A babies who can pout, waits and stalls as the kingdom falls. A silver spoon is always a pass, but the spoon should be shoved right up her highnesses ass." I narrowed my eyes at her and she smirked. I was shaking, this woman thought that she was better than me! As a matter of fact she probably was but i wasn't going to let her see that.
"What do you know about me, huh?" I was damn near yelling at this woman.
All she did was smirk.
I felt a tingling under my skin and my fingertips began to heat. I heard a sizzling and a pop and when I looked down a bright orange casting circle was hovering over my skin, flames being pulled from within it. The heat felt soothing to my but when I looked at the stunned faces of everyone else in the room, I saw the sweat dripping down their faces.
Saffron moved towards me with her hands out in front of her.  "Riya, just calm down okay?"
I caught a glance at myself in the mirror of the bathroom and almost fell on my ass. My kinky curly had turned into an afro of flame, and my eyes sparked with blue fire. My skin looked like it was shining from the inside out with the sun's rays. Even my clothing had changed to skin tight golden armor. I looked like a gladiator. But what was the craziest of all were the iridescent flaming wings on my back. They were bright orange with hints of blue at the edges and flames danced over then it a way that made it look like the fire had a mind of its own.
Tanda looked at me with pleased eyes and a wicked grin that made my blood run cold, despite my current flaming state. "The phoenix is her mate, now shall open Helios' gate."
A/N: sorry for the short chapter! The next chapter will be a LOT longer.
Also thank you to everyone who is reading this. Like, WOW!

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