Fun And Games

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"Welcome back to Sidemen Sunday!" Harry shouted at the jet black camera that stood in front of us on a tripod twice as dark. I was surprised it didn't get blown away by the British weather  after all the tripod wasn't that sturdy. I tilted my head towards the sky and looked up at the navy blue setting that lay before me. Even though the wind was strong, there wasn't a cloud in sight. I felt myself slowly drifting into my thoughts but then Vik shrieked as JJ once again threw him onto the water slide.

  The Sidemen was the name of our group. Sidemen Sunday's were the day we uploaded as a group. The Sidemen was made up of 7 of us, me (Simon), Josh, JJ, Vik, Ethan, Tobi and Harry. We were a group of YouTubers that made videos for our audience, all we did was mess around but for some reason, people liked us.
Vik was one of the youngest, smallest and smartest out of all seven of us boys. His hair was as black as ink, his eyes matching the colour of an oak trees branch.
Harry was the youngest and by far the loudest. His hair was a chocolate brown; he was tall and slender. Unlike some of us, he didn't live in the Sidemen household. He lived in a flat with two of his mates.
  The Sidemen house was where we all recorded our Sidemen Sunday videos. The house consisted of JJ, Josh, Vik and myself. Tobi, Harry and Ethan all lived in flats.
Olajide ( everyone called him JJ) was my best friend. He was basically my brother. His hair was the same colour as Vik's but had a different style. JJ was built like a god and that's something he'd agree with me on. He was proud of everything he accomplished and bragged about all of his achievements, but we all enjoyed listening (even if he did over exaggerate some of his stories sometimes).
Josh was also my best friend, but I didn't know him for as long as JJ. His hair and beard were both raven. Josh was the Dad of the group and not just because he was the oldest, he always kept us out of trouble. I could always rely on him when I was passed out in a club with no money to come to my rescue.
  Ethan was by far the funniest. His laugh was contagious and he was just a really lovable guy. Me and the guys picked on him a lot because of his weight but he knew we were just pulling his leg. Alongside being the funniest, he was one of the most immature of the group. Ethan was loud, but not as loud as Harry. Whenever we played a game, Ethan would have the worst temper. He'd shout his apartment down until his girlfriend told him to shut up.
  Last but not least was Tobi. He mostly only wore t-shirts and snapbacks. Although he was the quietest out of the group, he was the responsible one. He always knew how to put things right. Some would say he was a wise guy, I'm one of those people.

"That's one video done," Josh said while turning the camera off.
"I need a shower, I'm covered in bubbles and grass," Ethan complained, as usual.
"Go on then, Emily's probably missing you anyway, after all, there is a lot of you to miss," JJ teased. Everyone laughed, including Ethan. Emily was Ethan's girlfriend at the time. She was a quiet girl but that didn't bother any of us, at least she was nice.
Tobi broke the laughter, "I'm gonna head home as well."
"Same," Harry replied, "the Callum's might need me," he sniggered. Harry lived in a flat with two of his friends, Callum and Callum. The boys both also had YouTube channels, Callux and Calfreezy. We called one Lux and one Freezy just so we couldn't get confused.
  Freezy was a tall, lanky boy with an incredibly long neck. He looked a bit like Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars but he was still a decent guy. He was good friends with all of us.
  Lux was shorter and less lanky. He was extremely funny and usually visited The Sidemen house.
We all said goodbye to Ethan, Tobi and Harry as they left to go home. Josh and JJ put the water slide away as me and Vik day in the living room talking about future ideas.
"We could do a football video?" Vik suggested.
"I don't think our viewers want another one," I laughed. Recently we have done a lot of football videos because we didn't do any ideas.
"What about a Sidemen whisper challenge?" He said while looking out the window at Josh and JJ. I could hear them both arguing.
"No! We roll it up! Why the fuck would we fold it!?" JJ shouted, there was a small tone of anger in his voice but he laughed as he spoke.
"It came folded so we fold it!" Josh shouted back. Unlike JJ, he wasn't laughing and he was obviously getting frustrated.
"Fine! We'll fold it!" Me and Vik laughed at their petty fight.
"Anyway, I don't think we should do a whisper challenge. That trend is pretty dead now," I continued.
"Then what ideas do you have?" Vik asked, taking his eyes off the boys (who were flicking water at each other) and started paying attention to me.
"Sidemen patience test, all of us have to do it, it might be long but that's fine, our fans will like it." I ended my sentence with a smile.
"That sounds good," Vik replied, smiling.

This is the first chapter, I know it's long but oh well🤷‍♀️ Hope you enjoyed it 💞
Insta - ilyzerkaa
Twitter - sid3men

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