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Vik and Josh went to bed, leaving me and JJ downstairs in the kitchen. I sat there eating a bowl of coco pops while he scrolled through his Instagram. I stared at the bowl, surrounded by silence.
"Have you been talking to any girls lately?" He asked, out of the blue.
"Um, no, why?" At this point, I was confused yet somehow knew where the conversation was heading.
"I am, " he smirked.
"Is she nice?" I asked, not really caring. None of JJ's relationships ever lasted long enough for me to actually get to know the girl. What came out of his mouth next shocked me.
"Si, she's amazing."
JJ had never said anything like that about a girl before. He'd usually just say she has a banging body and brag about all the sex.
"Well she better be, we don't need you wasting time with someone you don't even have feelings for. Especially right now, our channels are struggling and we'are having more orders a day than views. Lewis and Freya need help and-"
JJ cut my sentence short, "I know Simon, I get it. I'm not stupid! I live here as well. I do know what's going on around here."
I could start to feel a bad vibe in the atmosphere so I quickly changed the subject.
"How long have you two been talking?" I asked.
"A few months, " he replied bluntly. It was obvious that he too could feel the surroundings getting a bit uncomfortable. I basically ignored what he said.
"I'm gonna go to bed, " as I stood up from my seat, JJ looked up at me.
"It's only ten pm...You never go to sleep at this time, you're usually awake until one in the morning." I could tell that he knew why I was going to bed. It was because of how discomforting the conversation was. I knew that if I didn't leave, it would turn into a massive argument.
"I'm just tired, that's all."

I awoke to the light peeking through my curtains, it looked as though someone was shining a light into my window. I could feel that the room was cold even before removing the blanket off of myself. As I lay there for a few minutes, I thought about JJ and his new girlfriend. Was she even his girlfriend? Or was she just a side chick? Was she using him for the fame? Or was he using her for he looks? I didn't even know if she was good looking or not, but that question still crossed my mind. My feet hit the cold floor and it sent shivers up my spine. Considering it was November, the room wasn't as cold as it would normally be.

"Morning Vik," I greeted him as I walked into the kitchen. As usual, he was eating cereal.
"Morning, " he replied with a mouth full of milk. I looked around the kitchen. Vik was usually accompanied by Josh And/Or JJ.
"Where are the other boys?"
"Josh left late last night, he never told me where he was going, JJ's still in bed." Vik finished his cereal and started washing his bowl. I look outside towards the garden and watched the sun slowly appear from behind this clouds. Bright oranges and yellow brightened up the kitchen the same way they brightened up my bedroom that morning.
"You don't seem yourself, " he pointed out.
"I'm just tired."
That was a lie. The fact that JJ was in a relationship that I knew he wouldn't commit to was the problem. As soon as he told me he has a girlfriend I knew things were going to change for the worse. Whenever JJ was in a relationship, he would always spend less and less time with us, as if he was avoiding us. He would also become more and cockier. More times than not we would never even meet the girl. Sometimes I was happy for JJ when he got into a relationship, but sometimes it just pissed me off.

I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. At first, I assumed it was Josh but I was shocked to see JJ walk around the corner.
"Good morning, " he yawned. I and Vik both replied with a simple 'morning'.
"Where's Josh?" He asked.
"Vik said that he left late hours last night, do you know where he's gone?" I asked.
"Why would I know? I've been asleep. I don't keep fucking trackers on everyone." He snapped.
"I was just asking."

It was no secret that JJ's attitude and personality were already changing. If he wasn't taken at the time, he would've gone out with me and Vik looking for Josh, instead, he went to go and see his girlfriend. I had no idea why he was acting the way he was. It seemed as though girls had some type of power over him.

"Why was he acting like that?" Vik asked as I stopped at a red light.
"You don't know?" I turned my head to face him.
"I'm guessing he has a girlfriend, why else would he be acting like this?"
"You're right." I sighed as the light turned green.
"He literary broke up with...With...That other girl last week!"
"I can't remember her name either, " I laughed, "did he even tell us her name?"
"It was Serenity or something, " he shrugged.
"Was it Sydney?"
"Or Samantha, " he laughed.
"Oh! It was Stella!"


Insta- ilyzerkaa
Twitter - side3men

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry that it takes so long for me to update it! I have Sidemen Things book that I update every day, please go check it out🌟

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