Free Falling

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Plane rides always made me happy. It was as though nothing could touch you. Everything was so calming. The window view was always beautiful, no matter the weather. If you focused hard enough, you could get yourself lost in the clouds, that's what was so satisfying about it, it felt as though you were free falling. But all things come to an end.

"Simon, why did you stop me from sleeping with Sam?" Will asked, stopping my day dream. Sadly, he was the one next to me. The rest were scattered about the plane in twos. At that point, he was the last person I would want to sit next to.
I shrugged, "she doesn't know you that well, I thought she would be more comfortable with me."
"She doesn't know you that well either."
"Good point."
"Si, do you like her?" Will questioned.
"I mean as a friend, yeah, " at this point I was lying through my teeth. I liked her more than a friend, it was obvious. Luckily, Will never noticed me lying.
"That's good because I'm really falling for her, " he sighed.
"You hardly know her."
"She could be a cannibal for all we know."
"Then why the fuck are we going to America with her?"
  He had a good point, but I didn't have any thing to come back with, so I just ignored him. 

Our hotel was just twenty minutes away from Ricegum's clout house which was very lucky. The walls of the hotel were made of a red brick and it looked as though the architect wanted it to look somewhat old fashioned, yet it looked brand new. The lobby was full of red velvet chairs and brown wooden tables. A big glass wall revealed the outside swimming pool. No one was there since it was very early in the morning.
"There are three beds in each room," Vik yawned. It was about three am in the morning when we arrived.
"Sam, who do you want to go with?" Will asked, hoping that she'd say him.
"I don't mind, " she smiled, "as long as I get a bed I'll be fine."
"How about me, Will and Sam, then Simon, JJ and Josh?" Vik suggested.
"Sounds good, " I smiled. I didn't mind not being in Sam's room because I rarely spent time with Harry. I thought it would be nice to catch up with him.

"Will is all over Sam, " Harry snickered as he sluggishly pulled his suitcase into the room.
"It's so obvious, " I laughed.
"And now he's in the same room as her, he's gonna creep her out, " Josh chuckled and placed his luggage onto his bed.
"If they get together, I'm gonna feel so sorry for Vik, " Harry giggled.

The hotel room was vast. As you walked through the door, the bedroom was right in front of you. The walls were an aqua blue and the flooring was made out of wood that was painted black. The whole wall was one glass panel that looked out over a part of LA. Attached to the glass was a slidable door that lead to the balcony.
On the right side of the room was an oak door that lead to the bathroom. Inside, the floor was made of marble. The bathroom consisted of a shower, a sink, a bath and a toilet, all in raven.
On the left side of the room stood another door that lead to a set of stairs that went downwards. It lead to the kitchen that was attached to the living room. A TV and two sofas were placed in the living room. Needless to say it was more of a apartment than a hotel room.

"What's the time now?" Harry asked as he flopped onto his bed, exhausted.
"Half past three, " Josh replied. Harry answered with a groan.
"I regret doing this, " I sighed and sat at the end of Harry's bed.
"You made a good decision, " Josh tried reassuring me but it didn't work.
"If JJ sees me, he's gonna kill me."
"Nah Vik will beat him up, " Harry joked. We all laughed since he managed to lighten the conversation.
"I hope everything goes well, " I got up and made my way over to my bed, hoping the week would go my way.
"Me too, " Josh yawned, then we all said goodnight.

I awoke to the sound of people laughing from downstairs. As my feet hit the wooden floor, a cold shock was sent up my body. My head tilted towards the window and the light nearly blinded me. I rubbed my eyes and quickly put on some decent clothes before making my way downstairs.
"Morning, sleeping beauty, " Vik smiled.
"Morning my prince, " I laughed. I looked over at Will who was staring at Sam. It then hit me that I had to tell Will the truth about the way I felt towards Sam. If I didn't tell him, it would've killed me to see him continue to flirt with her. Only now I know that if I told him or not, nothing would've changed.

"Will I need to show you something, " I signaled for him to follow me back upstairs.
"Alright mate, " he got up and followed me. Not asking me any questions. We walked out onto the balcony and I closed the door behind us.
"I know you've called me up here to talk to me about something, " Will spoke.
"It's about Sam, " I explained.
"What about her?" He questioned, looking confused.
"I like her as well, " I sighed.
"Well I'm sorry mate, but we're a thing now..."
"What? How? You've known her for like a day!"
"I know, but I really liked her, and she's the one who told me that she liked me first, " he explained.

It then felt as though a thousand needles were stuck in my heart. How did I become so attached to Sam so quickly? Why did it hurt this much? I hardly knew her for fuck sake. I was then convinced that my month couldn't get any worse. Obviously, I was wrong.

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