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Because I didn't have any cash on me, or my phone, I had to walk to the Clout House where JJ was supposedly staying. If I was 100% sober that night, things would've definitely turned out differently, but everything happens for a reason, I guess.

I walked down busy streets and abandoned alleyways. All I could think about was the people I left back at the hotel. I felt as though the last month was just one big mistake. It was as though it was karma for something I didn't do. If I could erase the whole month, I would.
I saw lights up ahead and I knew that it was the clout house straight away. The building was tall, wide and covered in glass. Most of the lights were on but some of them were not. I stood there for a while, not knowing what to do. As I walked up to the door, my heart dropped. My head was overrun with thoughts. All I could do was ask myself

"Is this what I want?"

I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes until someone I didn't recognize let me in.
I sat in the wide living room, taking in my surroundings. The living room was big and white. A fire place sat in the middle of the back, white wall. I was sat in a brown, wooden chair.
"Why are you here?" The woman asked politely.
"I want to talk to JJ."
"Does he want to talk to you?" She giggled, obviously knowing about the 'drama'.
"Probably not." I replied, sitting there watching her clean a glass vase that was set in the middle of the table. All of the sudden, Bryan (Ricegum) walked into the living room.
"I thought I could hear your voice, " he smiled, as though nothing was wrong.
"Where's JJ?" I asked, bluntly. Bryan shouted for JJ, but when there was no reply, he went upstairs to get him.

I sat there for a least twenty minutes waiting for JJ to show up. A few times, I lost all hope and thought that he wasn't going to talk to me. But after an hour and a half of waiting for him, he finally arrived in the living room without Bryan. As the lady saw him, she walked out of the room and Jide sat across from me. It took me a second to absorb the situation into my brain. The first thing I noticed was the fact that he was still wearing the stupid bandana.
     "What do you want?" He asked, breaking the silence.
"We need to sort things out," I responded.
"Simon I know you didn't do anything to Faith, I know that everything that happened was because of her," he looked up at me, his face was like a blank canvas. It looked as though he had no feelings.
"Then why did you leak my number?" I asked. I didn't get a response.
"Why didn't you text me about this?" I sighed. No answer.
"Why did you leave the Sidemen?" Again, I didn't get a response. I started to get angry with him as he sat there smirking at me, not responding.
"Why did you make this into some internet drama?" I slammed my first onto the table as I watched him sit there in silent.
"JJ just fucking answer me!" I yelled. He started to laugh. I stood up.
"JJ I'm here to sort things out, I'm not here for you to fucking laugh at me! You're such a fucking dickhead! It's unbelievable how childish you are!" I snapped.
"Simon I'm here because you wanted to talk to me, I'm not here for you to bully me, " he countered with a smirk. I sat back down and looked at him.
"Are we going to sort this out?" I asked. Jide shrugged.
"Then I'm waisting my fucking time."I stood up again. In reality, I knew that I wasn't going to leave until we fixed this. I thought that if I took the option away from him, the option that was to fix everything he messed up, he would finally want it. But as I stood up, he just looked at me. At this point, I was full of anger. Footsteps were heard from the stairs, as I looked behind JJ, I saw Bryan turn the corner and look into where we were sitting.
"Can you guys take this outside? We're trying to sleep." So we did.

We both sat on a wooden bench.
"I've argued with Will, all the guys hate me, the girl I love obviously doesn't want me and to top it all off...I'm probably not gonna get home." I sighed.
"What do you mean you won't get home?" Jide asked.
"All my money, everything I have is in the room with the people that hate me. They're obviously going to do something." I wasn't looking for sympathy, I was looking to start a conversation.
We talked for a few hours, about everything that's happened since he was gone. He told me about the music he's recorded since being in LA. As the time went by, JJ became more and more calmer and less sarcastic and cocky. I finally felt as though everything was gonna work out.


"Yes, Simon?"

"Are we friends again?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean Jide?"

"I'm not ready."

I sat up from the wall. Not questioning anything he said.

"Then I've waisted my time..."

Then I left...

Without saying anything else...

I didn't look back...

I just left him there, underneath the stars of the LA sky...

I left him because I realised...

For the last month...

All he did was betray me...

And I wasn't gonna wait around for him anymore...

He had betrayal written all over him from the start...

Betrayal | KSIMONWhere stories live. Discover now