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"Ow! Simon stop!" Josh shouted, pushing me away.
"Josh if I don't clean them they'll get infected!"
"He's right, Josh," Vik agreed while holding an ice pack on Josh's badly bruised leg.
"Fine, " he sighed, finally giving in. I started to clean out his cuts and grazes that were there because of the events of the night before.
"I feel like shit, " I complained.
"Same, " Josh whined.
"Well I didn't even drink but I feel dead, " Vik laughed.
"Everyone feels like shit on a Sunday morning, " Josh laughed. His laugh were followed by a few whines.
"Sorry, " I apologized since I hurt him.
"Well...Did Josh win his fight?" Vik asked.
"Do I look like I won?" He grunted.
"Do you want him to answer?" I laughed. "It's done, " I threw the cotton wool that was drenched in warm water in the bin.
"Put vaseline on the cuts if the want them to heal faster, " Vik yawned. He was obviously tired because Josh and I kept him awake all night. I can't remember exactly what we were doing, I just remember laying on Vik's carpet singing him a song. I'm sure the song was by The Backstreet Boys.
"So, who was that girl last night then?" Josh asked, smirking.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I blushed, feeling extremely embarrassed.
"Did you get her number?" Vik laughed.
"Well yeah...I mean no! I didn't talk to any girls!" The boys sat there laughing, so I finally gave in. "Her name was Sam."
"Don't you think you should text her?" Josh laughed.
"Oh shit yeah!" I quickly got up and ran to my bedroom. After picking my phone up, I sat at the end on my bed, looking through my contacts for her name.

As the phone rang, my heart was skipping beats. For some reason, she made me extremely nervous.
"Hello?" I heard the voice on the other end of the phone.
"Hey! I-Its Simon, fr-from the bar, " I stuttered, my head rushing because I thought she forgot me.
"Sorry I don't know a Simon, " she giggled. I knew she was joking so I laughed with her.
"Look...I know this sounds really clique but...I need to see you." I said with a smile growing across my face.
"Can I have at least an hour to get ready?" She laughed.
"Sure," I chuckled, "meet me at the park across from the club from last night at 12pm."
"Okay, see you," I could tell that she was smiling. Some how I could feel it. I know this sounds like every love story ever, but she was perfect. In every way.

After we walked around the park, we sat in the cafe that was designed to look like a 1980's dinner. It was vintage and that's what made it cute. Cafe's like this were extremely rare to find but fun to be in. Me and JJ use to go there a lot because the milkshakes were amazing. He always ordered the same thing. We always wanted to film some type of video there, like a Q&A or something, but we never got around to doing it.

After we ordered, we started talking about each others jobs, but when I went to start talking, she interrupted me with a sigh.
"Simon, I know what you do, you're a Youtuber, I don't live under a rock, " she laughed.
"Is that why you like me?" I wasn't supposed to say that, it was a slip of the tongue.
"What? Of course not! I only realised who you were after you left the bar, " she confessed.
"So you do like me?" I smiled, acting innocent.
"Oh shut up," Sam laughed as she took a sip of her coffee. I tried not to stare at her to much just in case I looked creepy. My eyes stared blankly into my milkshake, thinking carefully.
"What's wrong? And don't say something's not wrong, I can tell there's something up, " she put her coffee mug back on the table.
"Get comfy, " I sat back in my chair and sighed, "it's a long story."

After telling her the whole story, Sam sat there in shock, as though she didn't believe me.
"I know it sounds crazy, " I took another long sip of my milkshake.
"Very crazy, " as she looked up at me, I knew what she was going to say next was going to be fucking crazy...

"we need to go find him."

"Now that's crazy, " I laughed as I drank the remainings of my milkshake.
"Think about it! It would be amazing, like some type of movie, like that one where the guy goes and finds the girl he loves and it's really fucking sad in the end," she smiled. I completely ignored her.
"Do you always come up with crazy ideas when you're hungover?"
"Are you always this boring when you're hungover?" Sam grinned. I sniggered and sat forward in my seat.
"Good point, " I smiled, "but he doesn't want to talk to me, or see me."
"You don't know that, " she looked at me with her reassuring eyes.
"Fine, we'll leave tomorrow night."
"You need some of your mates to come as well, " Sam stated as she finished her coffee.
"I'm definitely taking Josh and Vik."
She looked at me as though I was insane.
"How many seats do you have in your car?" She said with a giggle.
"Six, " I smiled.
"Why the fuck do you need six car seats?" We both laughed.

I knew the next few months were gonna be hard to deal with. After all, I was going around looking for my best friend with a girl I hadn't even known for a week. I didn't know if JJ was even in the country. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to JJ anyway, but for some reason, she convinced me to do it.

Sorry for the shortish, shit chapter. Next one will be better I promise
Also, the movie Sam was talking about is called Paper Towns


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