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"So she tried having sex with you?" Harry laughed while handing me an ice pack.
"Yes! She's fucking crazy!" I slowly placed it on the left side of my face which was now bruised and swollen.
"She'd sleep with anyone, " Callux laughed.
"She's like a prostitute, " Harry sniggered, holding another ice pack on the right side of my face.
"She's a slut, " I added. The boys both looked at me in shock. The reason they were so surprised with me saying that was because I hated the word. I'd only ever say it if I truly meant it. She was one of the first people I ever associated the word 'slut' with.

"Where's Freezy?" I asked, not really caring. I didn't really enjoy his company. He'd always disagree with me. We never really got along.
"He's walking Herb, " Lux replied. My phone suddenly gave a burst of light and I read the text that lay before me.

Tobi -
"Hey, JJ told us what happened, I believe that Faith tried to have sex with you, she did the same to me when she was with Josh. I wouldn't talk to Jide for awhile though, he's pretty pissed."

"Boys you won't believe it." Just saying those five words, I grabbed their attention immediately.
"What's happened?" Harry questioned.
"Faith tried sleeping with Tobi when she was with Josh." Lux sat there, paralysed with shock. Harry started laughing hysterically.
"She's a psycho cheater!" Harry chuckled, "she's nearly as bad as JJ!"
"They're perfect for each other then, " I was still pissed at JJ. Very pissed. I was also angry at Faith. How can someone be such a slut?

That night I slept in Harry's apartment, on the sofa. I didn't get much sleep because my phone wouldn't stop ringing. Josh, Vik, Ethan and Tobi tried calling me all night. JJ wouldn't stop sending me death threats. At 1 in the morning, I finally had the sense to turn my phone off.

I woke up the next morning by someone shaking me. As I opened my eyes, two familiar faces stood before me. Josh and Vik.
"Someone looks blue, " Josh laughed. He said that because I was heavily bruised. Parts of my face were literally black and blue because of JJ's pathetic tantrum from the following night. I sat up and groaned. Everything hurt.
"JJ left last night, Si, I don't think he's coming back, " Vik sighed.
"Good, " I replied.
"Good? Good?! Simon are you high?! He could be dead for all we know! How could you not care about your best friend?"
"Ex best friend, " I corrected him.
But Josh had a good point. I should have cared a little more but I couldn't. His actions and behaviour were both overdramatic and out of hand.
We went back to the house and they weren't lying, JJ wasn't there. Josh and Vik were filming a golf video, they did invite me to play but I kindly rejected them. Instead, I went to JJ's room. And what I saw left me in a cold shock.
His room was basically empty. The only things left there were the bed, desk and a few pieces of clothing. How could he move all his belongings that fast? The sight of the room kind of upset me but I quickly got over it. I spent the rest of the day recording a Dead By Daylight video with Ethan. At 8 pm we all sat in the living room watching a movie. Ethan, Harry, Tobi and Callux joined us as well.
"What's going to happen to the Sidemen?" Vik asked.
"What do you mean?" Tobi asked.
"Well...JJ's basically left, " Josh answered for Vik, he did that a lot.
"I'll join, " Callux joked.
"I'd rather let Deji join, " Ethan laughed. We all knew that he wasn't being serious.
"Well he's definitely moved out, he texted me an hour ago saying so, " Josh claimed while sipping his Dr Pepper.
"I'll move in then, " Harry chuckled.
"This is my fault, " I sighed.
"No, it's not! Faith was the one trying to fuck you, it's JJ's fault for not believing you, " Tobi replied.
"I know what will cheer us up, " Ethan smiled.
"What?" I questioned.
"Let's play the weakest link!" Ethan rose to his feet.
"I'll get the camera, " Vik got up and went upstairs to fetch the recording equipment.
"We can't call it the weakest link, " Harry pointed out, "it's copyright."
"Weakest Pink?" Tobi suggested.
"Weakest Dink?" Callux implied.
"What the fuck is a dink?" Josh chuckled.
"I don't know, " Callux laughed.
"Weakest Kink!" I shouted.
"Josh Pieters did that, " Tobi responded, giggling a little.
After at least half an hour of thinking, we had a short list of words that rhymed with link.
"So, " Harry coughed to clear his throat, he was acting like some sort of news present, "we have wink, stink, sink chink, blink and skink."
"No way are we using chink, " Ethan sniggered.
"Or blink, that's boring, " Tobi added. Harry crossed Chink and Blink off the list.
"How about dink?" Callux smiled, knowing saying it for the twentieth time would annoy us.
"WE'RE NOT USING DINK!" We all shouted in unison.
"The weakest stink sounds good, " I laughed. Everyone else agreed.
"Looks like we're playing the weakest stink, " Tobi smiled.
"Harry's obviously gonna win then, " I smirked.
"Oi!" He shouted.

Ethan was the host who asked all the questions because we all knew that he didn't have a hope in hell of winning. After all, he wasn't the smartest. Josh ended up winning. He won a toaster. Obviously, it wasn't a brand new toaster, it was the one we used in the house.

Then the following days came and I realised...
You do really miss something when it's no longer in reach...

Sorry for the shit chapter, things get interesting after this one I promise 💕

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