Roud Trip (Part 2)

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"Thank you for letting me stay in here," Sam smiled as she got into my bed.
"It's fine, I thought you would be happier in here  since you don't know Will that well and all."
"Is that the real reason you wanted me in here?" She smirked and turned to face me.
"Huh? What do you mean?" I knew exactly what she meant, I just didn't want to admit it.
"Never mind," she giggled and rolled onto her back.
"Well, good night then, " I smiled and looked at her.
"Good night, " she smiled.

I knew I wanted Sam in my life, but I also knew that Will wanted her. I don't know why but it was obvious to me that he liked her, but I didn't want to lose her to him. Will didn't even know Sam that well, in all fairness, neither did I, but I knew she wasn't right for him. If I lost Sam to Will, it would've been a kick in the balls. He would've rubbed it in so bad that I'd snap and lash out.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. As I rolled over, I could no longer see Sam beside me. Instead, I could hear her and the boys laughing downstairs. The algid breeze made its way through my window and made me feel somewhat nostalgic. It reminded me of the times we got up extremely early just go record a video. That was the time when life was simple, but feelings change and so do people. I looked out at the window just to watch the sunrise. It feels as though reality changes as you watch it, it somehow calms you down. I looked back at the bed, where Sam was once lying, then back at the tawny circle that sat in the sea of azure above me. If it wasn't for her, I would have never gone to find JJ. Maybe if it wasn't for her, I would have never seen him again, and my year would've turned out completely different.

"You're finally awake, " Harry crowed as I made my way into the kitchen.
"It was too cold for me to get out of bed, " I smiled.
"I uploaded the video, " Josh yawned. It was obvious he stayed up most of the night to edit it.
"Thanks, " I smiled again, "is everyone ready?"
They all nodded in response.
"I'll drive, " Harry offered.
"No thanks, boggo, we actually want to live, " Vik chuckled. We all laughed along with him.

Josh put the camera back in the car as we all got in. We all decided to let Will drive since he was better than all of us. I sat next to Josh, Harry sat next to Vik and Sam sat with Will at the front.
"Where are we going first?" Will asked.
"Deji's place, JJ might be crashing there for a while, " Vik claimed.

I knew that going to Deji's was a good idea because I knew he would believe me. Me and Deji got along pretty well and there was no way he would believe JJ this time.

"Yeah, and if JJ's not there, we can ask Deji to call him to find out, " Harry voiced. I glanced out the window, wondering if I made the right decision. I was on the hunt for someone who hates my guts and I was doing so with a girl I knew for two days. Maybe I didn't think things through, but I knew it was too late to turn back. If I wanted to, the boys would've all been annoyed at me for wasting their time.

"I just got a text from JJ, " said Harry.
"What did he say?" Josh queried.
"He said,

I hope you believe me over Simon, he's just talking a load of shit. It was obvious he liked Faith from the start. I swear to God if he tries talking to me I'm going to kill him."
"He sent me the exact same thing last night, " Vik added. Right after Vik's words, Josh's phone buzzed.
"You won't believe who just texted me."
"Wow, he literally copied and pasted it to send it to your mates, Si, " Sam pointed out.
"He tried getting my fans against me, and now my friends? This is bullshit!" I bellowed. "I'm gonna call him."
"You didn't try that before?" Sam laughed. I got Jide's contact up on my phone and quickly called it. But it didn't ring.
"He's blocked my fucking number."
"What if his phones just off?" Will asked.
"Well, he just sent Josh a text so his phone can't be off." I sighed.

As we drove, I could tell that Will and Sam were flirting. It seemed as though I was the only one to notice. As they talked, my jealousy got worse and worse. All I wanted was to get to Deji's house so I wouldn't have to sit through the pain any longer.

"Alright boys, we're here, " Will parked the car and took off his seat belt. We all got out after him.
"I hope this goes well, " Vik sighed as he knocked on the big brass door that stood before us. It took about two minutes for Deji to open the door.
"It's not Halloween yet, " Deji laughed, we all laughed with him, "come in."

Deji was Jide's brother. He also had a YouTube channel called 'ComedyShortsGamer'. He wasn't as famous as JJ but he basically made the same videos.

We all sat down on his couch, apart from Harry who had to sit on the floor because there was no room left. Deji stood in the doorway. We knew Jide wasn't there because he would've been awake and his car would've been outside.
"Is this about JJ?" He asked.
"Yeah...Everything he said-" Deji cut me off half way through my sentence.
"I know it's not true, he told me before he recorded the video." 
"So do you know where he is?" Sam questioned.
"Yeah, I dropped him off at London Airport three days ago."
"Did he say where he was going?" Will asked with his thick Geordie accent.
"Los Angeles, he said he's gonna move in with Ricegum for a while."
"Well, it looks like we're going to LA, " Harry laughed.
"What? Why? Are you stalking him?" Deji cackled.
"Simon wants to sort things out with him, " Josh answered.
"Why can't you just text him on Instagram? Or Snapchat? Or Twitter?"
"He's blocked me, " I replied.
"Well, we better get going, " Sam stood up and we all followed her lead.
"Good look finding him, " Deji smiled.

"This is so stupid, " Vik insisted.
"That's the tenth time you've said that now, " Will groaned.
"We can take you home if you want us to, " Sam offered.
"Then stop complaining!" Harry exclaimed.
"Calm down, Harry!" Vik laughed.
"We're all insane for actually doing this, people might think we're mentally ill, " Sam giggled. Will obviously laughed at what she said. His flirting skills were shit, he was making it obvious that he liked her, but it wasn't obvious to me if she liked him or not.
"If anyone asks what we're doing, just tell them we're on a road trip, then we won't look like stalkers, " Josh suggested.
At this point, JJ was no longer on my mind. All I wanted was for Will to leave Sam alone. It bothered me that he liked her because I knew she'd pick Will over me. But only time would tell.

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