Park Bench

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--Kind Of A Trigger Warning For Sexual Assault & Violence --

"Where do you think he went?" I asked Vik. We were driving around looking for Josh who disappeared late that night.
"I have no idea, " Vik responded while trying to call Josh. "It's not even ringing, his phone must be turned off or out of charge."
"Or he's blocked your number," I sniggered.
" He must be on the park bench again."
  The park bench was where we usually found Josh when he disappeared. He never told us when he was going to vanish or where he'd even go to, but we always knew where he'd be, the same park bench, over and over again. He would always be asleep in the same position with his head flat on the bench with an orange hoodie on; he'd be wearing his jeans and shoes from the night before. When we found him, Josh would always be hungover. It was like deja vu every time we found him.

"Josh wake up!" I shouted as parents and kids passed by probably thinking Josh was homeless.
"No, " he groaned. Me and Vik looked at each other. It was as though that look shared a thousand words. As Vik grabbed hold of Josh's arms, I grabbed his legs. It took us at least ten minutes to get him to the car because he wouldn't stop kicking me. Many mothers stared as he had a tantrum while Vik pulled him into the car. It was as though he was ten again.

"Josh, why do you always run off at midnight? Are you Cinderella or something?" I laughed, Vik joined in but Josh didn't, he just sat there in silence.
"You need to stop doing this Josh, maybe we want to do something with our Monday morning, " I continued.
"I argued with JJ last night, " he replied.
"About what?" Vik asked.
"His new girlfriend."
"What about her?" I questioned.
"She's my ex."

Vik didn't know about JJ's new girlfriend. At this point, me and Josh were the only one who knew, we were always the first ones to find out. Every time Vik found out about JJ's new love interests, he was never surprised nor cared.

As soon as those words left his mouth, I knew exactly who he was talking about.
Josh's ex-girlfriend was called Faith. She was a small girl with long brown hair and beautiful emerald eyes. Josh was with her for three years until he found her with another guy. Harry and I never liked her but for some reason, all the other guys did, mostly because she was a good looking person.

We pulled up outside the Sidemen House and I could see that JJ's car, along with Ethan's, was parked outside. As we walked inside, my ears were filled with laughter that was coming from the kitchen. Before I even looked in that direction, I knew Faith was going to be there. Josh immediately walked upstairs, avoiding contact with anyone. Alongside all the laughter, I could also hear Tobi.
I walked into the kitchen and greater everyone, except JJ. Me and Ethan talked as JJ and Tobi pestered Faith. If I didn't know any better, it seemed as though Tobi had a crush on Faith, but I knew that Tobi would never go for one of his friend's girls, he was nothing like JJ.

That night, we all watched a movie downstairs. I told Harry about Faith being there before he decided not to come over, that was the reason he didn't show up. Josh stayed upstairs for the night. He didn't have the courage to see Faith again.
Halfway through the movie, I decided that I no longer wanted to be there.
"I'm gonna go to bed, " I whispered to Tobi.
"It's literally 8 pm, are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, " I smiled and walked upstairs to my lonely bedroom. The sound of Josh snoring made me feel less alone. I bet he was dreaming about still being on that park bench, after all, it seemed like his safe space at the time.
  I flopped onto my bed wearing a pair of basketball shorts while watching Stranger Things, trying to pass the time. As soon as the theme song ended, I heard the handle of my door slowly turn. My head jolted towards the noise and I saw Faith walk through the door.

"What are you doing in here?" I questioned as I pulled the blanket over my half-naked body.
"Iv just came to see you, that's all, " she gave me an evil grin, it was similar to a lion scouting out its prey.
"Well, you've seen me, can you leave?" Instead of leaving me, she came and sat next to me. I didn't think anything of it.
"What are you watching?" She asked.
"Stranger Things."
It was a though she wanted me to say something more exciting, like porn or fifty shades of grey, because she just ignored me. All of a sudden I felt her cold hands on my stomach. I panicked and lay there in silence, not even looking at her. Her hand slowly made it's way down my body and stopped at my pelvis. I started to feel even more uncomfortable as she started to giggle and bite her lip.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Nothing, " she giggled. The bedroom door flung up.
"Simon have you seen-" JJ's sentence was cut off by the sight of Faith and I.
"Simon, what the fuck are you doing!?" He started walking towards us so I quickly got up.
"I'm not doing anything! It's your fucking girlfriend!" Faith also got up from the bed with her arms crossed, she stood next to JJ, giving me an evil grin.
"I can't believe you done this to me, Simon, I trusted you! I thought we were friends! Best friends!" JJ was obviously upset, even more so angry.
"I can't believe you don't believe me! I didn't do any-" I was cut off by a hard punch hitting my left cheek, sending me backwards. Josh, Vik, Tobi and Ethan entered the room since they heard the disturbance from downstairs. Josh heard it from his bedroom.
"Guys what's going on?" Ethan asked.
"Simon was trying to fuck my girlfriend!"
"No! She was trying to fuck me!" Without thinking, I punched JJ across the right cheek. He didn't move, he hardly flinched. It was like the year seven fight all over again. I looked at the boys who were all stood there in shock. JJ pushed me up against the wall as Vik and Tobi shouted "JJ stop" repeatedly, like a broken record player.
"JJ, get off him!" Josh shouted as he punched me again. Everything was a blur, even the sound of the boys shouting was fuzzy. As he punched me, over and over again, it made me rethink mine and JJ's friendship. As I stood there, taking the hits, I wondered if he was worth my time anymore. If he was really my best friend, he would've believed me. I could feel the blood running down from my nose. It seemed as though punching me wasn't enough, so he threw me to the floor and kicked me multiple times in my back and the left side of my head. Before JJ could do anything else, Tobi and Ethan held him back. Josh and Vik helped me back.
"Why didn't you do anything?" Josh asked.
"Cause he's not worth my effort." I made sure that JJ heard that. Ethan and Tobi struggled to hold him back against the wall of my bedroom that now was presented with a few dents. The floor, which was once white, was covered in scarlet patches.
"Simon I'm gonna fucking kill you!" JJ roared. I looked around and Faith wasn't in sight, I found it interesting that she left.
My legs were weak. My head was pounding. My vision was still blurry and all the noise was still blocked out. I felt myself slowly falling backwards but I stopped myself from hitting the floor.

It was as though the devil took control at this point, he took control of both JJ and I. He was still trying to break free of Ethan and Tobi's grip as I turned and started sprinting down the stairs.
"Si! Where are you going!?" I heard Vik shout as he ran after me with Josh following. JJ was still shouting but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I made my way down the stairs, the two boys still following me, not knowing where I was going.

I was going to my safe space.
My version of Josh's park bench.

I reached the front door and kept running. I got to the end of the driveway and looked back. Vik and Josh had stopped chasing me, it was obvious that Vik was out of breath.

I was going to my safe space.
My version of Josh's park bench.

This is kinda long, sorry💕😅
Insta- ilyzerkaa
Twitter - Sid3men

I know that
I was going to my safe space.
My version of Josh's park bench.
Was repeated, I did it for effect.

Hope you enjoyed 💓

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