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"Simon?" Josh crossed his arms as he stood in the doorway to my bedroom. His shadow taking up half of the room.
"What?" I replied, still half asleep.
"You haven't left your room in a week."
"I've been busy, " I looked at him as he walked over.
"Busy sleeping? Simon, you haven't uploaded anything and I know you haven't recorded anything either."
"Actually me and Ethan recorded a dead by daylight video-" Before I could add to my answer, he ripped the blanket off of me.
"What?" I groaned.
"You're wearing the same clothes from last week...You haven't got changed, have you? You haven't even had a shower!" I decided to ignore him and try to get back to sleep.
"That's it, " he mumbled before storming out of my bedroom. He came back after five minutes but I kept my eyes closed since I was trying to get to sleep.
It seemed as though I was sleeping through the loneliness. With JJ gone I had no one to really talk to, I was still pissed at him but he was my best friend after all. The mixture of feeling lonely and angry was as though you were tied down. It was frustrating, to say the least.
"Josh!!" I screamed as he sprayed cold water over me, making me get up out of my bed that now had my body imprinted onto the mattress for me not moving for a week.
"Go have a shower, you smell like a carcass."
  After half an hour of me in a shower, I got dressed and finally made my way downstairs.
"Took your time, " Josh laughed while sitting at the kitchen table.
"At least I actually got up." My sentence was followed by a knock at the door.
"You can answer it."
"Thanks, because I really wanted to, " I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice as I walked towards the door. I quickly unlocked it and swung the door open.

To narrow it down, she told me she wanted to talk, but not with Josh and Vik hearing. We went to a local coffee shop so we could talk. It was obvious she was upset. Even though I hated every bone in her body, I wanted to help.

"What did you want to talk about?" I questioned, black coffee hitting the back of my throat, giving me some sort of burning sensation.
"JJ, " she answered. I rolled my eyes.
"What about him?"
"Can you ask him to come back, " she asked.
"What?" I placed my cup back on the table, a look of confusion plastered on my face.
"He left my apartment yesterday night, we got into a big argument..."
"What was the argument about?" I was hoping she'd say that she told JJ about what really happened the week before. Sadly, that wasn't the case.
"He caught me with another guy..."
I sat there in shock not knowing what to say. If I judged her, she might have thrown her coffee over me.
"I haven't seen him."
"He didn't come back to the house?"
"What? Of course not. He hates me now."
"Do you know we he's gone?" She asked.
"I haven't spoken to him." She placed her head in her hands and sighed after the words left my mouth.
"This is all my fault, " she said. I couldn't disagree. It was her fault.

As I was making my way back to the house, I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts. For some reason they were all about her. Why did she cheat? So many questions filled my head yet no answers.

"I'm home!" I shouted. Vik came running down the stairs to greet me.
"What did you and Faith talk about?" He asked.
"Just some things- wait who told you I was with Faith?" I asked.
"Josh, " Vik replied, "also, we're all going out tonight, fancy coming?"
"I don't see why not."

Sorry for the short chapter 💘
Please check out my other books💕

Betrayal | KSIMONWhere stories live. Discover now