Run Away From The Problem And It Will Become Smaller

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The day before something you plan happens, it seems as though it will never come around. You get extremely nervous and spend most of your day worrying. Excitement overwhelms you and your start starts to hurt. But in this case, I was overwhelmed with sadness.

That night we all sat out on the balcony of my hotel room. The smell of alcohol was on all of our clothes.
"Tomorrow I'm gonna go and see JJ," I sighed.
"Didn't he leak your number?" Sam asked.
I nodded. "I've changed it now though."
"Well, we've run out of drinks, " Josh got up from his seat, "who's coming with me to get more?" Everyone apart from me and Sam stood up. As they all left, me and Sam sat there, watching the city and car lights
"So, you and Will are dating?"
"How do you know?" She jerked her head in my direction with a look of confusion on her face.
"He told me," I looked over at the millions of buildings in front of us.
"Oh...Yeah...We are, but I didn't want him to tell anyone," she took a sip of her beer.
"Yeah, Si?"
"Do you love him?" I asked.
"Why would you ask me that?" She looked at me again. A pink glow was on her face from the lights in front of us. Every so often the colour would change.
"Why are you with him, Sam?" I questioned.
"Because he asked me to be his girlfriend and-"
"And you didn't want to say no."
She looked at me and I looked at her.
"Simon, of course I like Will but-"
"But not in the way he likes you."
"Stop cutting me off!" She laughed. I knew what I was saying was right because she didn't deny it.
"Why didn't you just say no?"
"I didn't want to hurt him," she took another sip of her beer.
"Since when do you care about hurting people?"
"Will's just to nice, ya know? If I said no he probably would've cried or something and I would've panicked and just stood there awkwardly."

"Yes, Si?"
"I like you."
"I know, I like you too."
I turned my head towards her.
"What?" I asked.
"I like you too." Sam smiled. It was as though that smile started to get rid of all the hurt.
"No, I meant how do you know that I like you?"
"Will told me about your talk this morning, " she answered. Her face was now glowing with an aqua colour, making her somehow more beautiful. I looked at her for a while. Then kissed her. And she kissed back.

I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. She was Will's girlfriend, but for some reason, it didn't stop me.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Will exclaimed. Somehow, I didn't hear him enter the hotel room, alongside the other boys. We both quickly stood up.
"Will it's not what it looks like," I tried to calm him down.
"So you're not kissing my girlfriend?"
There was an awkward pause for a minute.
"Wow, Simon, first JJ's girl and now mine, you're fucking pathetic." Will walked out of the door, Sam running behind him. I thought that the best thing to do was to talk to Will so I did a walk of shame past the guys and outside onto the pavement.

All three of us stood outside the hotel, Will shouting at the top of his lungs as Sam and I tried to calm him down but he just ignored us.
"Why did you do this Simon?" I could tell that I hurt him, but I didn't know how to fix it.
"Will I'm sorry!"
"That's not gonna make me feel better!"
"Then what will?!" I shouted, getting frustrated with him.
"I...I don't know!" He stuttered.
"Will just get over it!"
"How can I? You were kissing my girlfriend! How can I believe you over JJ now? You're a fuckboy Simon! You only want something when it belongs to someone else!"
"Fuck this, I'm not gonna stand here and take your bullshit!" I started to walk back up to my room. As I walked, Will's crying became quieter and quieter.
"Classic Simon Minter! Running away from his problems!" I heart Harry shout from the balcony. I didn't bother to look up at him. As I looked back, Sam was hugging Will but looking at me with a confused expression on her face.

I wasn't going back to the hotel room...That wasn't a option...
I also wasn't going back to the airport...
I was going to find JJ...

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be the last so it'll be longer 💘

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