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I got changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I didn't really want to go out drinking. I knew it would make my mood one hundred times worse than what it already was.
"You ready?" Josh asked, his head peaking around my bedroom door. I nodded and walked out of my room, following him down the stairs.
"Boys, hurry up! The taxi's outside!" Vik shouted. I heard him run outside. I and Josh followed him.

"Who's coming?" I questioned.
"Well, there'll be us three, Ethan, Tobi and Harry. The two Cals, Will and Stephen." Josh replied.
"What about Ethans girlfriend?" Vik queried.
"She couldn't make it."

Will was another one of our mates. He was known as WillNE on YouTube. His YouTube channel was actually pretty good. Will and I got on pretty well, we never argued and both found each others content pretty funny. Will was pretty tall with chestnut hair and an extremely square face. We usually bullied him and called him 'cube boy' because of it.
Stephen was Will's best mate. He was a red-headed boy he was kind of short. He used to be a stand-up comedian but it obviously didn't go very well for him. He was also a YouTuber. Stephen was known for doing skits and just being a funny guy in general. He was known as 'Stephen Tries' or 'That Ginger Nonce'. He wasn't as tall as Will and his hair was a natural orange.

Ten minutes later, Josh, Vik and I sat down at one of the tables with the rest of the boys. Ethan already looked like he was drunk and so did Will.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, all of you write down what you want," Josh stood up.
"Okay daddy," Will giggled. Everyone laughed.
"Never call me that again," Josh sniggered.

Will wasn't the only one that called Josh Dad. We all called him that because he always acted like a dad. Also because he only told dad jokes, he looked after everyone when we were out and his beard made him look like he had three kids.

We all wrote a list of drinks we wanted from the bar and handed it to Josh so he could go order.
"Tobi come and help me carry the drinks, " Josh asked, but it was more of a command. Tobi got up and left with Josh to get the drinks as the conversation quickly changed to girls, obviously I didn't engage. I knew little to nothing about girls. I was always the awkward one.

My eyes wandered around the bar as everyone talked. I managed to block out the loud ass music and only listened to the convocation. I suddenly blocked out the guys as I focused on this one girl across the room.

She was sitting on a table with a few friends. Her hair was a beautiful chocolate brown and slowly changed to blonde as you looked down. She looked at least 5'3. Her eyes were an emerald with a hint of grey. She basically had beauty written all over her. I stared at her for at least five minutes until the boys noticed me not paying attention.
"Simon's staring at a lass, " Will laughed.
"Shut up, " I laughed, finally taking my eyes off of her.
"Go talk to her, " Stephen smiled.
"Maybe after a couple of drinks, " I chuckled.

I woke up to the sound of loud music in my ears, accompanied by a loud ringing. I gathered that I was still at the club. As I lifted my head up I saw all the guys sitting there with me, not noticing I passed out. That's what I guessed that happened anyway. In front of me stood many empty glasses and I knew they weren't originally full of water. I looked over at the table the girl was originally sitting at. She was still there, but this time alone. The alcohol inside of me decided to get up from my seat and walk over to her. Even though I knew nothing about talking to girls, I was confident in myself. I could feel the boy's eyes burning into my back as they stared at me.
"What the fuck is he doing?" Harry asked.
"He's about to pull himself a bird, " Lux laughed.

I sat down across from her and we sat there in silence looking at each other for a few minutes. She was obviously confused on why I was sitting there.
"Can I help you?" She giggled.
"Have you not seen me staring at you all night?" I asked.
"No? Why've you been staring?" She smiled.
"You're fucking beautiful, " I rested back in the seat that was surprisingly extremely comfortable.
"If you've been staring at me all night, you would've realised that one of my friends threw up in that seat." I quickly got up and looked down at the seat. She started laughing as I realised she was lying.
"I'm Sam, " she smiled.
"I'm Simon, " I smiled back. "I think you should give me your number now."
"Who said I'm single?" Sam smirked.
"Who said I cared?" I grinned.

After an hour of talking to her, I heard shouting coming from the bar and quickly turned my head to see what was happening. At a first glance, it looked as though Freezy and Josh were fighting.
"I need to go look after my friends, " I sighed, "I promise I'll call or text you."
"You better, " Sam smiled, "maybe I'll see you soon." I smirked at her as my reply. I got up and walked over to the guys. Who I mistook for Freezy was a complete stranger.
"Hey! Hey! Guys! Take this outside!" The bartender yelled, "you're gonna scare away my customers!"
"What happened?" I asked Ethan, he was struggling to stand.
"That...That guy tipped his drink over Josh...On purpose." I could tell he was also struggling to speak. His speech was incredibly slurred. It was hard to understand him. As I looked back at Josh, he was walking towards the door with Freezy and Will. I knew actually what was going to happen and I didn't know if I wanted to stick around to see it. I looked back at Sam then at the door, wondering what to do.

"Josh you don't have to fight him, " I said, shivering. Outside was extremely cold compared to the inside.
"Yes I do!" He slurred. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, then again it could've been from his clothes.
"No! You don't! Josh, you're going to get killed!"

The man was at least 6'3 and was full of muscle. He had a scar on his left cheek and his hair was the colour of soot. His friends looked the exact same but less muscle and their hair was a bleach blonde. Surprisingly they both also had the same scar.

I grabbed Freezy's shoulder and pulled him around so he was facing me.
"Why the fuck are you letting him do this?" I snapped.
"For a laugh, init."
"Oh fuck off! Are you actually gonna let him do this?"
"Of course I am, " he laughed. "We need some entertainment tonight, don't we?" He continued.
"You're an asshole." 

I knew I couldn't do anything to change Josh's mind about the fight. So, I stood there and watched, hoping it would teach him a lesson. Will and Cal stood there cheering him on but it didn't help. Josh threw a good few punches but they weren't good enough to do any damage. There was blood running down from Josh's mouth and there was a cut at the top of his head. At least he didn't look as bad as me.

"Come on Josh!" Will shouted.
"Get up!!" Cal yelled. The guy was on top of Josh, punching him without any pauses.
"Get off of him!" I shouted, pushing the guy onto the floor. Josh quickly got onto his feet, blood dripping from most parts of his face. I was surprised he still had all of his teeth. I turned around to Josh to check if he was alright. Obviously, he wasn't but it was his own fault.
"Why did you stop them?!" Freezy growled.
"Because he nearly killed Josh!" I pushed him as I shouted.
"He has got a point, Cal, " Will admitted. I pushed Cal because I knew he wouldn't do anything to me. He was a sheepish wolf. All talk but no actions. I turned back around to look at the other boys and as I did, I felt one of them punch me across the face, then in between my eyes. I felt myself falling backwards and everything started going black.

It's funny when you get knocked out. Even when everything starts going black, you don't get scared. You can't even feel yourself hitting the floor. As I was knocked out, I thought about the girl I met that night. I realised I made the wrong choice and that I should've stayed with her. Maybe my year would've turned out much better. Maybe that one action could've changed everything. I was worried that I'd never see her again, but luckily, that wasn't the case.

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