Road Trip (Part 1)

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I know that the YouTube video JJ posts in this chapter is nothing like the real one, I didn't want it to be the same

Also, this chapter is a bit messy & shitty😬It's also pretty small, sorry

"Simon this is a bad idea, " Josh assured me as he started putting our bags in the boot of the car.
"Josh has a point, Si," Harry agreed.
"What if we don't even find JJ?" Will asked as he got into the back seat.
"What if he's dead?" Vik questioned.
"He's not dead! He just posted a Youtube video, " Sam pointed out. As I heard her, I quickly got my phone out and watched the video titled 'leaving the Sidemen".

The scenery of the video wasn't familiar to me. He was in some sort of room and the walls were all a greyish colour. As he walked into frame, he sat down and sighed.
"As you can tell by the title of the video...I am leaving the sidemen, " he looked in to the camera, blankly, as if his eyes were lifelessness. He was wearing this really stupid bandana that I've never seen before. "I'm going solo I guess."
At this point, everyone was watching the video over my shoulder.
"He can't be serious," Will said while looking slightly concerned.

"If you want to know my reasons for leaving...Here they are...
The first reason is that it was getting pretty boring, I guess. We weren't really doing much. They're basically all a bunch of anti-social cunts.
The second reason is that I want something new. I'm sick of doing the same type of video over and over again.
The third reason is that Ethan's really fat.
The forth reason is because all the guys basically hate me now. They never really interact with me, you could probably tell by our videos that we haven't got a great bond anymore.
The most important reason is the fact that Simon tried sleeping with my girlfriend. I also found out that Tobi tried to as well. I didn't think that Tobi would swoop that low but I expected it from Simon."

I paused the video.
"What a bell end!" I yelled, "I need to make a response before anything happens. My fans might believe him."
"What about finding him?" Will asked.
"We're still gonna find him, he's just acting like a kid! We're gonna sort this out like adults...If we find him." I walked back inside the house with everyone else following me. Josh grabbed the camera out of the car before going.

I sat on the sofa as Will and Josh set up the tripod and camera.
"Are you gonna address Tobi's situation as well?" Harry asked. I nodded.
"Okay, it's recording, " Josh smiled as he made sure it was focused.

The Video -
"This is gonna be the last of my videos for a while, just because I'm gonna be busy until I sort some things out that involve JJ.
Obviously, I'm here to address what actually happened between me and JJ's girlfriend.
First of all, I didn't try sleeping with her. She tried sleeping with me. I'd never do something like that to Jide. When JJ came into my room and saw her touching me, he went crazy. He literally punched the shit out of me for something she did. My carpet is now covered in blood stains, he can buy me a new one, " I gave out a little laugh so it didn't look like his video moved me. If he could tell that I was upset, he'd make up more shit about me to tell his fans just for revenge.
"Jide has blown this situation way out of proportion. In fact, I spoke with his girlfriend a few days ago, she told me that they're not on speaking terms because he found her with another man."
Everyone behind the camera looked at me in shock but I didn't react.
"She also chested on Josh three times when they were dating. And to clear things up for Tobi, he didn't sleep with JJ's girlfriend. She tried sleeping with him. At the time it happened, Jide wasn't even dating her. That's all I have to say." I turned the camera off and looked at everyone.

"That's it?" Sam asked.
"What do you mean?" I looked at her, confused.
"No insults? No mum jokes?" She laughed, "could've even made a diss-track." Will laughed with her.
"I'm not that childish, " I chuckled.
"How about we start editing the video and we can leave tomorrow?" Josh suggested.
"Sound's good, " Vik agreed.
"Where's Sam and Will gonna sleep? I'll just sleep on the sofa," Harry questioned.
"The spare bedroom obviously, " Vik laughed but suddenly stopped. "But we only have one spare bed, " he continued. Will and Sam quickly looked at each other and I instantly got jealous.
"Or she could sleep in my room," I offered.
"Sure," she smiled, "then Will can get a better rest." I looked at Will who was staring at me. His eyes were burning into my soul. I knew what was happening but I didn't want to believe it.

After that we all lay outside on the grass, staring at the sky while Josh edited the video for me. It was peaceful but extremely cold, it didn't bother us though.
"We're all fucking crazy for doing this, you know that?" Harry looked into the sky. It looked as though he was getting lost in the stars.
"We know," Vik replied.
"What if he's not in the country?" Will asked.
"Then we'll go find him," I yawned.
"That's crazy," Sam laughed and sat up, looking towards me.
"It would be a free holiday," Will smiled.
"I mean...I do have some money saved up," I could see that she was thinking about it as she lay back down.
"That's a plan then." I smiled.

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