Old friend

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As far as I can tell, no one has done a story like this. If you think you can write this better, go ahead just link the name so I can read it. Don't use my OC.

Normal is speech

" is thoughts"

(Side notes or actions)

For once Mari got to school on time,

Alya: Wow, who are you and what did you do to Marinette

Mari: Shut it I just slept really well.

Alya: "ya right" ok ok, anyway I heard there is a new kid joining our class.

Mari: really the class is almost to crowded, there is only one seat left.

Nino: sup dudettes

Adrien: hi Alya, hi m Mari (blush a little)

Alya : sup guys

Mari: hi Nino, h h hi Adrien (looking away from him, almost hiding behind alya)

Adrien: "why does she do that, she is so different with chat last night" sooo, there is a new guy coming to class right.

Alya: ya, but all I know is it's a boy and he is scary looking.

Nino: like ugly or something

Alya: Don't know. That's all I could find, I couldn't even get his name.

Buster: all right class in your seats. (Everyone runs to their seats) ok we have a new student joining us, come in.

A guy walks in. He is about two heads taller  or more than Kim. He is built like an athlete wearing a black shirt which only showed his size. He had dark hazel eys and dark brown hair, almost black. He hair was a little curly and stood up. His face looked intimidating as if he was ready to fight or his default expression is pissed off. His jeans were ripped and he had a belt with a black belt buckle. (If anyone wants to draw him please do)

Buster: (even she looked a little scared of the student.) please introduce your self.

....: My name is Hunter, I hope we can all get along (his voice was deep and threatening, while his words sounded nice the entire class was intimidated by the new kid.)

Hunter: (his eyes wondered around the class till he spotted Mari) "is that who I think it is" (he walked up to mari and leaned a little while focusing on her.

Mari: "why is he starring at me"

Hunter: Marenette Dupang Chang?

Mari: "how does me know my name" (kind of scared ) y yes

Adrien: "he better not touch my princess " (about to get up)

Hunter: "so it is her" (grins wide showing is teeth, his canines on the top and bottom were a little long making it look like he hand fangs, only making him look scarier) it's been a long time, midnight.

Mari: "midnight? Only one person has ever called me midnight"

Flash back
Mari is 5.
Mari: hay stilts help me I can't reach the cookies

Stilts: (a child that was tall for his age) don't worry midnight, (picks her up till she is standing on his shoulder)  I live up to the name.

Mari giggles
Mari: thanks stilts.

Stilts: Thank me in cookies, if you get a raisin one I'll drop ya.

End of flashback

Mari: STILTS!!!

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