Sup Im Felix

351 9 14

Chat takes the jewelry and heads over to his princess.

Mari is looking over her outfits, knowing chat is going to reveal tomorrow has her nervous and she wants to look good.

Mari: (holds up an outfit over her self) would he like this one.

Chat: You look feline in anything puurrrincess.

Mari: (she turns dropping the cloths and starts blushing) oh kitty, you scared me.

Chat: oh wo is me, my purrincess fears me.

Mari giggles

Mari: come here you stupid cat

She kisses him and after a few seconds she feels something cold on her neck. She breaks the kiss and realize she is now wearing a necklace. She looks at the end of it, seeing a midnight blue colored ring with a line of smooth, bright blue sapphire going around the middle, in the middle the words "My Princess" were engraved in hot pink.

Mari: ch chat.

Chat: it's a promise ring. I have one to (he hold up a black ring with a line of smooth, neon green Emerald around the middle. In the center it read "my knight" engraved in bright blue. He points to her ring) it's yours if you want it.

Mari: a a pa promise ring.

Chat: I love you marinette dupang chang. I want to spend all my nine lives with you.

Mari nearly jumps on him showering his face with kisses till one lands on his lips and she slows down. They pull away for air.

Chat: I'll take that as a yes on the ring

Mari: yes you stupid cat.

Beep beep

Mari pouts.

Chat: don't worry love, after tomorrow I won't need to run off anymore.

Mari: what time will you do it.

Chat goes to her window

Chat: if I tell you, what fun will that be.

He jumps of into the night.
Mari goes to bed with a smile on her face.
She wake up early and gets dressed in her best school clothes. She wears her hair down and she brushes it so it looks nice and wavy. She knows chat doesn't like most makeup so she just put on lipgloss. She finishes up with her new necklace. She hurried to school so her parents wouldn't asked her why she dolled up.

She gets in early for once and sits next to Alya, not noticing all the stares she was getting.

Alya: girl you look hot, what's that around your neck.

Mari: (she holds up the ring giving it a love sick look) it's a promise ring.

Alya: What, OMG girl I need all the detail ASAP.


Nino runs in right before The teacher walks in and Alya curses under her breath while Mari giggles.

Ms. Buster: good morning clas, it's time to welcome our newest student. Come in.

A tall boy walks in. He has slightly long messy blond hair, the left side is pulled back into a small ponytail giving him a half messy half sleek look.
He had on a open leather jacket with a white shirt that had the words, Knight in Shinning armor, on the front. He had dark ripped jeans. It was clear that he had some muscle and he had a thin scar that ran from above his left cheekbone to right above his left nostril. He looked a bit like Adrien but everything from his hight to the way he walked was off.
Mari thought he looked familiar.

Chloe: ADRIKINS (she ran towards him)

Adrien/Felix: " great it's, Wait, I don't need to worry about this anymore" (he side steps so Chloe misses him) it's Felix actually (he turns to face the class. Sup I'm Felix Knight, I hope we can all get along.

Chloe: but you look just like him.

Adrien/Felix: I get that a lot.

Everyone looks at him in shock. He looks like Adrien but he is to different to be Adrien.
He locks eyes on Mari and he raises his hand to grab something from underneath his shirt. He walks over to her and he pulls out a small chain from under his shirt revealing his promise ring.

Mari goes wide eyed when she sees it.

Adrien/Felix: (he whispers to her so only she hears) happy to see me my purrincess, you look so puurrfect today it would put Aphrodite to sham.

Mari: it's. . (Said quietly) kitty.

He gave her a grin that only chat could pull off. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss that shocked the entire class.

Ms. Buster: student could you save that for after class.

They break apart leaving them both blushing.

Felix: s sorry about that, where do I sit.

She pointed to the vacant seat next to Nino who was Looking at him suspiciously. Adrien/Felix winked at Mari on the way down.

Alya: girl, was that your boyfriend.

Mari: yeah.

Alya: he's like a hotter version of Adrien.

Mari: I didn't bother to compare. And back of he's mine.

Alya: oh may not be me who you have to tell

She points and sees Chloe and Lila staring at Felix.

Class ends and Mari hurried out of her seat to talk to her kitty before they need to change for gym. She doesn't notice Chloe's foot out.

Mari trips, she twist do to the surprise and is now going to land on her back. She closes her eyes and waits for impact.

Instead she feels to arms . She opens her eyes to see that Felix is holding her bridal style.

Adrien/Felix: my my princess, looks like you falling for me.

Mari: (blushes) I umm, I. Thanks.

Adrien/Felix: (gives her a loving smile.) anything you for you. (He gives her a gentil kiss and begins walking)

Mari: you can put me down now.

Chat: and let my princess walk. I can't allow that, the ground is not worthy of your touch.

Mari Giggles and blushes.

Alya: awww you guys are goals. I'm Alya by the way

Adrien/Felix: Felix. I'd shake your hand but I carry precious cargo.

Mari: kitty, stooooop it

Alya: Kitty.

Adrien/Felix: oh umm that's, because. (Mari reaches up and scratches him behind the neck) be becaus s. . . Pppppuurrrfrrr

Alya: he purrs like a cat, ha.

Adrien/Felix: princess, whyyy.

Mari: cause your cute, now my knight, to the gym. (She points)

Adrien/Felix: of course my love.

They walk away. Chloe and Lila are jealous that he new hottest kid in school is already with Mari. Nino looks suspiciously at Adrien/Felix and takes out his phone

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