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Right where the last chapter left off

Mari: "crap" whhhaaaaat. Who told you that.

Sabine: is it true.

Mari: is what true.

Sabine: that you have a boyfriend

Mari: welll. . . maybe

Tom: marinette, do you have a boyfriend.?

Mari: ummm, (wipers super quietly) yes

Tom: a littler louder.

Mari: ok yes, I have a boyfriend, he just started going to my school, but we have been dating for a few weeks. Please don't be bad.

Tom and Sabine look at each others and then back at Mari.

Sabine: name

Mari: wh what

Sabine: what's the boy's name

Mari: Felix, Felix knight

Both parents look at each other. Sabine is a little sad, she always thought Mari and Adrien would get together. The parents try to imagine a Felix and they see a skinny nerdy teen but are not sure

Tom: invite him to dinner.

Mari: (she goes bugeyed) WHAT

Both parents: invite him to dinner.

Sabine: we want to meet him.

Mari: he might be busy

Tom: To busy for you, mmm good to know.

Mari: no no that's not what. . . Ok I'll invite him

Sabine: dinner is at 7 (she high fives Tom)

Mari goes up to her room.

Mari: what am I going to do, I don't even have his number.

Tikki: Welll, he may have slipped this into your bag. (She points to a small price of paper poking out the side of one of her bag's side pocket)

Mari takes it and it has a phone number. Under the number it reads. "Your Knight is a call away"

Mari: (she smiles) dumb cat. (She dials him, after a few rings).

Adrien/Felix: Hello

Mari: hey Felix, it's marinette.

Adrien/Felix: my my, is my purrincess cat calling me already.

Mari: s stop that, this is important.

Adrien/Felix: what's wrong, do you need me to come over, is there an akuma. Did Chloe bother you again.

Mari: relax relax, my parents found out I have a boyfriend. They want you to come to dinner.

Adrien/Felix: I think I rather fight an akuma.

Mari: they won't be that bad, hopefully. Can you be here at seven.

Adrien/Felix: anything for you love. Should I dress formally.

Mari: a little maybe. I'll see you than kitty.

Adrien/Felix: I will count the seconds till I can see your beauty once again my fare purrincess.

Mari: (giggles) till then my flirty knight.

They hang up

Tikki: he is such a flirt.

Mari: yeah, but he's my flirt.

It's about 6:55 and Adrien/Felix is standing in front of the Dupain-Cheng bakery in a white dress shirt, black pants and a dark green tie. Most of his hair is in a short ponytail and what could not go in is combed. He is nervous, he is holding some flowers in one hand and using the other to stare at his watch. Tom is finishing up dinner when he sees the tall, well built boy through the window. He goes and opens it.

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