Love & fear

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The kiss made the world around them disappear, they felt fireworks. As they moved they felt like they completed each other. They felt like they could stay that way forever, until they needed air.

Chat: that was, wow, I, wow

Mari: y ya, wow

Chat: I thought, you were going to reject. I don't understand.

Mari: why would you think that.

Chat: well, you didn't seem that happy when I asked you out and it was pretty clear you were reluctant to go to the first date. It didn't help that I know a different guy has your affections. To be honest I was expecting rejection from the start.

Mari: so, do you want this?

Chat: I do, really I do. I just, I guess I'm used to Rejection.

Mari: "great job Mari, you ruined his self esteem as ladybug" well, I'm not going to reject you, my kitty.

Chat: your kitty? (She nods and gives him a smile) I like that.

Mari: so, what are we now, are we still dating or-

Chat: well I was hoping I would get a girlfriend today, you look like the puurrrrrfecrt option.

Mari: (giggles) sure cat. (Hugs him) I'm yours.

The next day when Mari walks in, late but the teach is late to. She has a love sick look on her face.

Alya: well girl, what's with that look.

Mari: Remember the guy I told you about.

Alya: you mean glass rose and, please give me three dates, guy?

Mari: yeah, we're a couple now.

Alya: what about Adrien

Mari: I don't think he can compete at this point.

Adrien turns around.

Adrien: morning Mari

Mari: h h h hi a Adrien

Alya: really girl, he can't compete.

Adrien: " why does she stutter around me so much, what makes her act so different with chat than Adrien."

The entire day Mari was trying to avoid Adrien.
At the last bell.

Adrien: hay Mari

Mari: h hi AAA Adrien "you have chat, you have chat, your feeling for Adrien need to fade" I have to go. (Run home)

Adrien: how am I going to fix this

Ring ring.

Adrien: hello

Natalie: Adrien you have a new photo shoot today.

Adrien: but that give me three photo shoots, fencing, Chinese and piano today, again.

Natalie: your driver will be picking you up shortly. (Hangs up) "poor kid, his schedule has never been this busy"

Adrien: this is getting ridiculous, I almost don't have time to do home work.


Adrien: why is fighting akumas the closest thing I have to free time.

Chat and ladybug arrived on the scene to see Sir Drag-gon

Akuma: I will punch you into the ground. (He throws a few jabs but Drag gon dodges each one)

Drag gon: I think not, ah lady red, Sir noir, care to assist.

Ladybug: (trying not to get distracted by chat) were is the akuma.

Akuma: I am Boxer, give my your miraculous or be punched. (Hits the ground with his right boxing glove making a earthquake. Drag gon used is umbrella to fly up avoiding the attack)

Drag gon: the boxing belt. Now sir boxer if you wish to Brawl than I will for fill your request.

Ladybug: (to chat) he talks worse than you

Chat: what do you mean, I talk Just feline.

Ladybug tried to roll her eyes but giggled a little.

Drag gon: (basically boxing with the akuma trying not to get hit) care to assist!

( they all joined in but no one could get close with out the risk of getting super punch)

Drag gon: lady red, I looks like we need a bit of luck (seems to be implying something)

Ladybug: LUCKY CARM (a small boxing bell land in her hands) finally a easy one. (She waited till chat was about to jump on the akuma from behind) and. . .

Chat jump, the akuma saw him and was about to throw a punch.

Ring ring

The Boxer froze, the rule of boxing won't let him attack while the bell rung and chat took his belt and ripped it in two.

Ladybug: bye bye butterfly.

Pound it

Chat: nice job LB

Ladybug: "I'm really missing the old nicknames" bye, bug out.

Chat was about to leave but drag gon put his hand on chat's shoulder.

Drag gon: you seemed slow today, something the matter.

Chat: well I. (Sigh)

Drag gon: remember I know who you are, you can tell me.

Chat: right right, can we go some where private.

Drag gon: sure, follow me

Chat followed Drag gon to a big house filled with pieces of wood, marble and other materials.

They de transform

Adrien: where are we,

Hunter: my house

A white lizard flys up

Lizard: OUR house.

Hunter: this is my kwami Goon, he does bite.

Plagg: Goon it's been forever

They fly off

Hunter: ok sunshine, spill

Adrien: it's my dad. He had been giving me so much extra work. I used to do it to make him happy but it's becoming to much

Drag gon: Do you have a plan to fix it, have you tried talking to your old man.

Chat: yes, he doesn't care and if I even try to push he could take me out of school. Some times I wish I was born in a different family. I think about running away but, there is some people I can't leave.

Hunter: has it really gotten that bad.

Adrien: I have a bag prepared if I ever do desire to run away. If only I was someone else.
"Maybe Mari wouldn't be so scared of my if I was some one else" even if I did leave, my father would find me.

Hunter: well, "I hope I don't regret this" if things ever get to the point were you need to leave, we're you are 100% certain you can no longer live there (hands him a card with a number and address) give me a call. A few people oh me favors, I can set you up with a new name, new identity. You won't even need to leave Paris.

Adrien goes to take the card but hunter pulls it away

Hunter: But remember, I can only do this once, if this happens there is no going back. You will need to be certain you are can not live in your house. You can no longer live as Adrien , Understand

Adrien thinks for a moment and nods his head and hunter hands him the card.


Adrien: Crap I have a photo shoot.

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