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Marinette didn't know what to do. When she got ready for the first date she dressed just what seemed like date clothes, she didn't care. Now no outfit seemed good enough. She also couldn't think straight, the mystery of the date shouted in her head. After letting Tikki choose, she did her makeup. Than she waited. Three minutes after the time he told her he arrived out of breath.

Chat: s sorry, (big breath) something came up, got it done as qu-

Mari: it's ok, as someone who is late all the time I can't blame you for three minutes.

Chat: thank you princes. "I can't believe my dad made me do a photo shoot last minute, I almost couldn't set up." Shall we go puurrrinces

Mari: (giggles) we shall my knight.

Chat blushed as he picked her up and jumped across Paris until the building seemed to nearly end. Try landed in a flower meadow. There were lanterns of different colors set up everywhere making the flowers seem to glow. A small picnic set up for them.

Chat: my mom used to take me here, not for the flowers tho.

Mari: than for what.

Chat just pointed up. Mari looks up to see a star filled sky.

Mari: wow, it it's beautiful.

Chat: (still looking at Mari) ya, it is.

Mari noticed his stare and turned to hide her blush, this made chat think that he made her uncomfortable, she wouldn't look at him.

Chat: umm, shall we sit. (Offering his hand)

Mari nodded but because she was hiding her blush she did see his hand and just started walking to the picnic.

Chat: "well this is a crappy start"

They sat down and chat took out some sandwiches he made. He past her some and they began to star gaze.

Mari: "this tastes pretty good" first the spaghetti with amazing sauce, now delicious sandwiches, your not robing a restaurant are you.

Chat: I would never, I am no ally cat puurrrincess.

Mari: really than were did you get all this food.

Chat: it's made by yours truly.

Mari: really, you made that sauce from yesterday.

Chat: from scratch (making a scarring motion with his hand) I even cut all the ingredients for the sandwiches.

Mari: I didn't know you cook.

Chat: well I used to, im not really allowed to do it anymore. I once told my dad that I wanted to be a chef or own a bakery, he immediately revoked my cooking privileges.

Mari: than how did you make all this, won't you get in trouble when he finds out.

Chat: if he finds out and, seeing you smile is worth the risk.

Mari: o oh, th that's sweet of you chat.

They ate in harmony, mostly staying in comfortable silence besides when chat would point at constellations.

They finished the food and chat put the plate away. Chat turned to Mari and just admired her beauty. She turned to him and their eyes got stuck in each others gaze. They both started to lean in. Chat suddenly remembered all the times ladybug pushed him away, after how Mari acted earlier he was sure she would reject him to, he backed away and stud up.

Chat: s sorry, I didn't mean to get so close, here it's getting late let me take you home.

Mari: ok " I almost kissed, I, I want to kiss him. What is this boy doing to me"

Chat took her home believing he totally screwed-up the second date. He only had one date to fix it. He didn't think he could.

Mari was in deep thought the entire way. Mari now new how chat loved some one. It wasn't  just a feeling or just flirting with them, he loved with everything he had. She felt guilty about all the rejection he didn't deserve, she was mad with her self for missing all the time they could of had together, and she was mad at Adrien for being the reason she rejects her kitty in the past.

They landed at mari's balcony.

Chat: here we are princess, I hope you enjoyed your night "I am sorry for ruining your night"

Mari: I did, I hope to see you soon.

Chat: "see me soon, the third date, she could end all this. She is waiting to reject me" good night princess. (He turned around before she could see the look of defeat on his face. He jump home.

Mari: (gently waves) bye, my kitty.

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