A new start

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Gabriel called Adrien's bodyguard to break down Adrien's door. He got in to see a empty room.

Gabriel: Adrien, Adrien, I'm sorry. Please come out. I know I went to far, I'm sorry.

He turns and sees Natalie in from of Adrien's desk holding a peace of paper with her hand over her mouth. Gabriel grabs it and reads it.

Dear Mr. Agreste

Since you see me as an employee more than a son I will say this in a way that is more appropriate.

I quit.

Gabriel: no, Nnooo. (Looks at the bodyguard and than at Natalie) GO, FIND HIM, FIND MY SON I CANT LOOSE HIM TO!

With Adrien at an atm

He gets a text on his regular phone.

unknown: it's me, before you come over break your old phone and dump it.

He figured it was Hunter. He got his money and kept receiving call from the bank to see if he was getting robed. After he told them some lie about investing he broke his phone.

He arrived at the address. It was a big house that seemed to be mostly a work shop with bedrooms and bathrooms probably in the back.

He saw the door open and went it.

Hunter: ok your here, let's get, dude what happened to your face

Adrien: its the reason I called.

Hunter: I see. . . What's the name of your kwami's name again.

Adrien: it's Plagg

Plagg flys out
Plagg: I heard my name, is cheese involved.

Hunter: not at the moment, but i need a favor. I can give you cheese later.

Plagg: what is it (he says a little annoyed)

Hunter: I know your probably going to help that cut heal, can you make sure it scars.

Both Adrien and Plagg: WHAT

Hunter: we need as many differences between old Adrien and the new identity he is going to have, a scar like that will help. Now(He takes out his laptop and seems to se setting something up) name?

Adrien: umm adrie-

Hunter: no no sunshine. Remember what I said, your no longer Adrien. I need a new name for you to get started.

Adrien: oh, ummm

Hunter: if you say chat I will hit you.

Adrien: sorry I just didn't think of that.

Hunter: well this is a new you, no more acting different for your dad, what name feels like you.

Adrien: ummm, oh. My mom once said that the first name she thought of when i was born was Felix.

Hunter: ok Felix (he says while typing) ok last name.

Adrien: mmm, I'm not sure.

Hunter: well I need something and your last name is a family name, so think of something that you don't mind being labeled as.

Plagg: how about Camembert.

Adrien: I am not going to be named after your cheese.

Plagg: ok than give us a better name mr. Knight in shining leather.

Adrien thinks for a sec

Adrien: I got it, Plagg your a Genius

Plagg: that's nothing new, but why are you reminding me.

Hunter: I still need a name.

Adrien: knight, my new name is Felix Knight.

(Hunter leads Adrien to a blank wall)

Hunter: say cheese, Felix.


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