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Gabriel decided trying to going something online was not going to help, but he could go out side to try to find something. He is known for not leaving his house and will get flooded with paparazzi.

Meanwhile Natalie was also trying to find out if this "Felix" was Adrien or not.

She went to where she found his current home address. She knocked on the door, only to be met with the Drake's famously tall son.

Hunter: (looks her up and down) can I help you.

Natalie: does Felix Knight live here.

Hunter: . . . Who's asking

Natalie: I and Gabriel Agreste's assistant, Natalie.

Hunter: . . . Oooookkkk. Why do you want to talk to Felix.

Natalie: there is something, I need to check.

Hunter: and this something, what is it?

Natalie: That's private information.

Hunter: than this is private property, good day. (About to close the door)

Natalie: WAIT, please. I just want to make sure he is ok. That's all.

Hunter looks at her and sees the sadness in her eyes. He also sees how concerned she is.

Hunter: I don't know why your so intent on this. (He is lying) Felix isn't even here, he is on a date with his girlfriend.

Natalie: Girlfriend? (He is in a relationship, is that why Adrien got so mad, his father increasing his schedule when he just got a girlfriend)

Hunter: ya, I think they are in the park. Now if you don't mind I have work to do. (Closes the door on her.

Her phone rings. It's Gabriel

Natalie: Hello Sir

Gabriel: did you find anything on this Felix boy.

Natalie: . . . Nothing yet sir "I need to know first, if Adrien truly wants this new life he has the right to decide that for himself"

Gabriel: Than try harder, I will call you later to compare information. Do not let me down.

Hangs up

Natalie: (sigh) to the park.

She goes to the park to see Felix and Mari on a bench with ice cream. Felix hold the ice cream with one hand and the other arms is wrapped around Mari holding her close.

Natalie looked at them and Felix looked even more like Adrien in person. While his hair and clothes seemed different, Natalie had only seen those eyes on two people. Emily and Adrien. She also notices his silver ring, something Adrien always keeps with him. The ring was one of a kind, Natalie checked after she started to notice it. No matter where she looked no ring maker ever made that kind of ring.

Natalie was confident now, this was Adrien.

Natalie: "can I be so sure, what if I'm just grasping at straws. Should I approach him." (She looks back up and sees Adrien's old bodyguard, trying and failing at looking hidden as he spy's on the two teens.) of course. (She discreetly makes her way around to Gorilla's side.) what are you doing here.

Gorilla: ( he looks at Felix with a sad expression) Mr. Agreste thinks he may be Adrien. I was given a Special job.

Natalie: of what, stalking the poor boy.

Gorilla: I need to get his finger print.

Natalie: of course, that can confirm if he is Adrien right away.

Gorilla: will you help me. Stealth is not my strong suit.

Natalie: I'm well aware. I'll take care of this.

She watches the teens, they seem so happy. Natalie has never seen Adrien that happy.
The teens get up and they trough out their napkins. Natalie went over to the trash been and picked up both napkins.

She had to call in a favor from an old friend from the police force (Sabrina's dad) to bring back the finger prints from the napkins.

She sent back to her office with out attracting the attention of Gabriel. She goes to her computer to open the fingerprint information she was sent from the police officer. She than pulls up a digital copy of Adrien's finger prints from the piano in his room.

She begins to line the prints up to see if any match. Some are to small and she figures that those belong to the girl. She grabs the others. She sees something interesting, the prints are close, but off. The prints from the napkins are the right size and some parts are exactly the same, but other parts seem smudged, or smoothed out. It was as if he was slowly erasing his own figure prints.

She tried to see if some prints where damage or incomplete but they all has the smudges and blurs in the same spots. If you put it in a computer the prints wouldn't register as Adrien's, but Natalie could tell. These where Adrien's finger prints, and some how he was altering them, erasing them vary slowly.

Natalie: "it's him, Felix is Adrien. He wanted to leave so bad he created a new identity, he even started messing with his finger prints"


Natalie: "shit" coming Mr. Agreste.

She walks over to his office, seeing a mess. He had pictures of Adrien, medical records, and even school records of both Adrien and Felix.

Gabriel: Gorilla said you where getting the finger prints, did you get them.

Natalie: (she look at the once refined and emotion man to see his hair a mess, in his pajamas) I did sir.

Gabriel: good, give them to me.

Natalie: I already had them tested.

Gabriel's eyes widened and he had a glimmer of hope.

Gabriel: do they match, did we finally find my son.

Natalie looked at the man, he was breaking. She wanted to tell him yes, to tell him his boy was ok, but she knew if she did he would drag Adrien back to his old life even by force if he had to. Natalie cared deeply for Gabriel, but she couldn't rip Adrien from his new found

Natalie: the prints are not a match sir

Gabriel: what, no, but. He looks just like him. He has Emily's eyes!

Natalie: I'm sorry sir, this Felix boy doesn't have the same finger prints as Adrien. That can not be changed.

Gabriel fell to his knees, he lost them both. One in a never ending sleep and the other ran away never to be seen again. For the first time in years, the emotionless Gabriel Agreste cried, asking the world were his boy was.

Natalie leaned down and hugged the breaking man.

Natalie: "I'm sorry, but Adrien deserves to be happy, even if it's not with you"

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