Chapter One: Midnight Driver

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Neo Domino City - Present

Yusei rides the newly repaired highway around Neo Domino City on his newly furnished red duel runner. On the back of Yusei's red helmet, to match his runner, a new painting of his old Signer mark of the dragon head is at the bottom right corner next to a Team 5DS sticker from the W.R.G.P. five years ago. Yusei stops his runner on the side of the road to look off of it into the distance. He was on the bridge going into the Satellite Sector, staring across and looking at Neo Domino.

"Five years ago I saved this world from Zone's ideals in trying to prevent the future. After that it's been quiet around both Neo Domino and Satellite. But now I feel something is coming and with me being the only protector I don't know if I can face it alone." Yusei says then revs up his runner and speeds down the highway.

Yusei pulls up to Martha's house in the Satellite Sector and parks his runner in front of her house, leaving his helmet on the seat. 

Yusei knocks on the front door to be greeted by a swarm of little kids.

"Martha! Yusei is here!" The kids yelled.

Martha strolled up to the door to smile at Yusei.

"Why hello there stranger, it's been awhile." Martha says.

Yusei steps inside the house and replies, "Yes it has, far too long." 

"Alright kids go up to your rooms so I can visit with Yusei. Dinner will be made in a couple hours." Martha says.

The kids run up the stairs as Martha guides Yusei to the kitchen table to sit.

"What's troubling you Yusei? It's been a few months and I don't think you stopped by for a hello." Martha observes.

"You're right that something is on my mind Martha but I will try and be here more often. Lately I feel something isn't right and something is coming and if that happens my team left after,"

"The duel with Zone?" Martha says.

"Yeah." Yusei answers.

"What is it that feels, uneasy?" Martha asks.

"I don't know exactly but I just feel like something is coming here after the time of prosperity we've had." Yusei explains.

"Well If I've learned anything Yusei, it's that the bad guys never take a holiday when they have an agenda. If something does come and your suspicion is correct, I'm sure you can handle it. You did defeat Zone." Martha says.

"I guess you're right Martha." Yusei looks out the window.

Yusei stays for around an hour at Martha's home and then he leaves, getting on his duel runner and heading onto the highway heading back to his apartment in Neo Domino. 

While riding his runner a duelist that can't be fully seen in the night darkness approaches him from behind.

"Someone's runner is coming." Yusei sees headlights in his mirror.

"Yusei Fudo!" A sore voice beacons from behind.

"Who's there?" Yusei grunts.

"Ask questions later, I'm challenging you right here and right now!" The disguised man lifted his arm.

"Be careful what you wish for pal." Yusei draws five cards and loads them into the holder on his left. 

Speed World 2 Auto Pilot Engaged - Duel POV

(Note: When I make YuGiOh fan fiction I tend to use my own custom cards and card archetypes to spice up the duel field, if that's not you're thing I'm sorry, but I enjoy it. And since this is the first time I'm narrating Turbo Duels I'll show Speed Counters in parenthesis so you don't get confused and will be abbreviated as SC. Thanks and enjoy :))

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