Chapter Two: The Woman in the Cloak

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Yusei parks his duel runner inside his apartment, beside his computer setup, and he gets up to go over to his computer while still wearing his helmet. He sits in his computer chair and opens up a Sector Security database to search for newer criminals in Neo Domino. He scrolls through pages and pages of faces and recorded duel runners, but none look like the one the man from earlier had.

"The only thing I remember seeing on his runner was a crystal or gem looking insignia on the hood of it." Yusei says to himself while searching. 

Suddenly then the door to the apartment swings open and there stood the "Master of Faster" himself, Jack Atlas. 

"Jack, what are you doing here at this hour? Let alone what are you doing home?" Yusei asks.

"I decided to come home for a pit stop to look at my runner considering all our data is here for it, and then I had a chit chat with Trudge and he showed me some interesting duel footage of you and some shady man this evening." Jack explains.

"Yeah he was shady all right. What's wrong with your runner?" Yusei asks.

"Nothing at all, I want to try and make the thing faster. I was hoping if we tinkered with the engine and the thrusters linking to the turbo booster it would have some more power." Jack replies.

"I'll take a look at it tomorrow, I'm currently busy Jack." 

"I wasn't asking about it right now Yusei. Judging by the way you look right now are you going to search for this man?"

"I plan on it yeah while it's still dark out. He knew everything about me Jack, including my cards and he said something about Akiza."

"How sweet, he talked about your girlfriend and now you want what exactly? To card him again?"

"Akiza isn't my girlfriend Jack, and I want answers to who he is."

"You two should just get together already, we're all waiting." Jack laughs.


"Ya know, Crow, Luna, Leo and I." 

"Don't make me laugh Jack, Akiza is away being a doctor and living her dream. It's what she deserves." Yusei blushes shyly. 

"Whatever Yusei, just don't cry to me when she eventually moves on and marries some millionaire." Jack coughs.

"Well I'm off, I'm going to find this guy." Yusei hops back onto his duel runner. 

"I'm coming with you Yusei, you don't know if he has friends or if he is expecting you."

"Alright then follow behind me Jack." Yusei pulls out of the garage and speeds down the street.

Jack runs outside the apartment over to his runner. He puts on his clean white helmet and hops into his matching white runner to speed down the street after Yusei.

Neo Domino City Highway

"When I dueled him I was on this highway on my way home." Yusei says.

"So you believe he followed you?" Jack asks. 

"Maybe."  Yusei says as a pair of flashing lights appear behind Jack.

"This might be our mystery man." Jack turns on his rear camera to see a dark duel runner with a gem on the hood.

"Jackpot!" Jack says.

"Wait Jack, that person in the dark is wearing some kind of, cloak." Yusei says.

"So what,it doesn't matter if he is wearing a shower curtain or a Halloween costume. He's going down!" Jack activates Speed World 2 on his duel runner.

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