Chapter Eleven: Troubled

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Crow, sitting on Akiza's hospital bed, shakes at the devastating news he has received. Out of nowhere Yusei and Akiza's eyes flare open, coming back to reality. 

"Leo, Luna?" Yusei turns his head.

"Crow!" Akiza's vision focuses. 

"Yusei, Akiza!" Luna quietly shouts in excitement.

"Wait, how did you guys wake up?" Leo scratches his head.

"Let me explain." Jack Atlas opens the hospital room door and enters, head pointed down with a flare in his eyes. 

"What's goin on here Jack? Some society of weirdos in curtains with new cards are whoopin you guys?" Crow asks with hostile tongue. 

"Leo and Luna, I'm sorry that I put you in danger to get this information." Jack looks up at the twins standing by Yusei's bed.

"What danger Jack?" Yusei groans.

"This big guy called Genesis just showed up out of some portal thing and tried to take me and Luna, that was your fault Jack?" Leo asks.

"Yes unfortunately, it is also glad to see you around Crow." 

"Can it Jack, you put these kids in danger with these new bad guys when they're the pieces needed for this super secret plan." Crow says.

"I had to in order for Yusei and Akiza to wake up." Jack explains.

"What do you mean Jack?" Akiza becoming aware she is in a hospital.

"When you and Yusei lost to Victor at the apartment, apparently their cards have the power to wipe our consciousness's clean and have us reside in our self-conscious seeking refuge there so they could use our 'blank shell' if you will in order to control us through the name of their master plan called the Enlightenment." 

"Enlightenment?" Yusei repeats quietly.

"This Enlightenment will harness the power of the Crimson Dragon to control all the blank slated people defeated by The Legion in order to reconstruct the world, first by destruction and then by rebuilding."

"Who gives them the right to mess with Neo Domino?!" Leo flares in disgust.

"Wait Jack, how come you didn't become a mindless servant when you lost to Jasmine the first time on the highway a couple days ago?" Yusei asks.

"That's a good question Yusei. Maybe her cards didn't have the strength to take down a titan like Jack Atlas. But since Leo and Luna apparently defeated a Minister of The Legion all the blank minds were restored, returning your consciousnesses. That's the only sense of balance I've discovered to keep their goal settled. If they get the twins though to resurrect the Crimson Dragon, all they'll have to do is beat an army's worth of people to overthrow everything." Jack fully explains.

"Then we have no time to spare." Crow says.

"We need to find their headquarters and conquer." Leo chants.

"If we strike them before they complete their goal, that could end it." Luna says.

"And they wouldn't expect it in our current states. They don't know that Crow came back either." Akiza says.

"Akiza, you'll stay in charge of the boneheads. I'll take Crow and Yusei with me to put this to rest." Jack snarls.

"Are you trying to say I'm not capable of ending this feud Jack?" Akiza squints. 

"No I'm not." Jack says.

"Hey I'll stay with Leo and Luna. Akiza can go." Yusei pipes in his thoughts.

"Yusei you sure? You don't typically hang back during the action." Crow looks at a troubled Yusei. 

"Yeah, go ahead guys." Yusei facades a smile.

Akiza slowly gets out of the hospital bed and walks into the bathroom to change into her regular clothing attire to join Jack and Crow.

"You'll have to passenger on my runner, yours and Yusei's are in the basement of the hospital." Jack says.

"Why can't I get my runner?" Akiza asks.

"It's locked at this time of night, and we want to attack now. I found an Auto Shop where I met Victor at, maybe we will find more than him this time." Jack says.

"If not we will start with him." Crow cracks his knuckles. 

Before Akiza walks out the door behind Jack and Crow she looks over to Yusei and remembers their last moment together, where Yusei said "I love you Akiza." She grinned and locked eyes with Yusei, "I love you too Yusei." she mouthed to him. With Yusei's cheeks blushing bright Akiza exited the room and shut the door behind her. 

"Yusei, are you and Akiza dating?" Leo hops into the bed next to him.

"No we aren't." Yusei answers quickly.

"Do you want to date Akiza?" Luna asks, giggling.

"Ugh, why does it matter?" Yusei asks.

Both of the twins laugh and then Luna responds, "Cause we're all waiting for it to happen. You guys are destined  to be together." 

Yusei shakes his head and looks over to the counter by the room TV where his deck and duel disk sit. He looks at them both and pain glosses over his eyes, zoning out everything else in the room. 

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