Chapter Seven: Down and Out

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Jack, accompanied by Leo and Luna, pull up to Yusei's apartment. Jack parks his duel runner in the back alley where his garage is wide open, and tire tracks lead to the streets behind them. Leo and Luna unplug from their duel boards and follow Jack inside Yusei's apartment, all of them still wearing their helmets. 

Jack stands at the top looking down, where Victor stood before, and saw Yusei and Akiza lying on the floor still. Jack hops slides down the inclined floor to the lifeless bodies. Jack turns over Yusei's body to have him sit up, but Yusei's eyes were wide open and all the light and color in them were gone, evaporated. 

Leo and Luna pick up Akiza and set her up against her duel runner and her eyes were the same, black and blank. No signs of brain activity. 

"What the heck did Victor do to you?" Jack looked back and forth between Yusei and Akiza. 

"Let's get them to a doctor quick!" Leo wipes away the water in his eyes.

"That's a good idea Leo. We will all have to go together since that weird cult of losers are after you." Jack nods.

"How can they be losers, if they took Akiza and Yusei from us?" Luna's long face moans in emotional turmoil. 

"They'll be okay Luna I promise. They're both too stubborn to be beaten permanently." Jack looks down and scoffs. "I hope." 

Yusei POV

Gah. I opened my eyes to me lying in the middle of the crater outside the city. This was the crater where the Shooting Star Dragon card fell from the sky, when I defeated Yliaster and ZONE. I looked over to my right arm, half of my jacket sleeve was ripped off and it hurt like hell. Gah, my body groaned. 

I looked over to my left side to see my duel runner lying on top of the crater. I slowly but surely got up to my feet and slowly trudged up the crater to my duel runner. How did I get so far out of Neo Domino after that duel? Wait, where's Akiza? Where are the others? I threw myself into my driver seat, strapped up my helmet and turned on my duel runner. 

"Yuuuusei!" A familiar and dark voice called from behind me. 

Then suddenly the bright blue sky around me shifted dark and a pair of purple flames enclosed me, like the ones from the Dark Signers. Then I heard him, I heard Kalin. 

The black duel runner Kalin used before slowly pulled up beside me, in the driver seat was Kalin hidden under his black and blue Dark Signer cloak. 

"It's been awhile old friend!" Kalin laughed hysterically. 

"Kalin, what are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"I'm getting my sweet revenge my dear old friend. I haven't forgot about the time you ratted me out to Sector Security! You snitch!" Kalin hissed.

What is happening? I knew that Kalin was already freed with the other Dark Signers. I had to be dreaming, but I also looked to my right arm and I didn't see it. I didn't see the head of the Crimson Dragon. Was this real after all? Was everything I accomplished actually just a dream?

"How about I defeat you in this turbo duel and send you to the Netherworld to pay for what you did to me!" Kalin chuckled.

"Fine Kalin, you're on." I revved up my engine and started my duel runner through the purple flamed path. 


Me: (4000 LP) Okay Kalin, I'll go first!

Kalin: (4000 LP) Go ahead traitor!

Me: I didn't betray you Kalin, you should know that. We've dueled before. I think. 

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