Chapter Twenty-Five: Next Crisis? (End)

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Yusei and Jack return to Yusei's apartment after the duel, and the rest of the gang welcomes them.

"Yo Jack that was such a cool duel, stinks you still lost to Yusei." Leo laughs.

"Good duel Yusei." Luna smiles.

"Man Jack you almost had him. Next time." Crow reassures.

"I knew you would win Yusei." Akiza walks up to Yusei's side. 

"Well, with that done I think it's time for us to break up the band again." Jack says.

"Yeah, me and Luna got a lot of homework to catch up on. I think?" Leo races outside to his duel board.

"Yeah it'll be time for us to finish school. If you guys need anything we will be around." Luna follows Leo out.

"And I work tonight, paroling Satellite." Crow says.

"Funny how you eventually became the thing we all hated many moons ago." Jack smirks.

"Things change, and people apparently as well." Crow fist bumps Jack.

"What are you going to do Jack?" Akiza asks.

"Not sure yet. All I know though is I'm leaving you two love birds some space." Jack laughs and exits with Crow. 

"Now it's just us." Yusei smiles.

"Like it should be." Akiza leans in to kiss Yusei.

After a moment Yusei retracts, "Akiza, are you going back to your clinic?" 

"I plan too, I make good money and it's not very far from here." Akiza replies.

"I guess we will both make good money, I'm going to return to the lab to study more on Ener-D and other things that could improve the city." Yusei says.

"We will be heroes, even if it's not saving the city from a ridiculous agenda." Akiza leans back in for another kiss.

Two Nights Later..

Akiza and Yusei walk into an Italian restaurant and Yusei speaks to the host.

"How many this evening?" The hostess asks.

"Uh I actually set a reservation for this evening, under Fudo." Yusei says.

"Ah, Yusei Fudo is it?" She asks.

Akiza grabs Yusei's arm and replies, "Yes it is." 

The hostess frowns and then leads Yusei and Akiza to their booth, looking out a window. 

"This place is beautiful." Akiza looks up at the flower shaped lamp. 

"Gotta have somewhere beautiful to eat for someone so beautiful." Yusei lifts his menu and winks.

Akiza blushes and glances at her menu.

"So many choices." Yusei says, reading through the different sections.

"Have you seen the sweets on here too?" Akiza's voice raises.

Yusei lowers his menu for a second and says, "Yes I have actually." 

Suddenly Yusei and Akiza hear sirens and then three Sector Security duel runners race by their window view. 

"I wonder what's going on." Akiza says.

Yusei stares out the window, longing to get involved.

"The police probably have it under control." Yusei nods.

Then Crow and Jack's duel runners zoom by, following the Sector Security duel runners. 

"Crow and Jack too?" Yusei says, glaring out the window. 

"Yusei, if you want to go and see what's going on I will understand." Akiza says.

"No I'm needed here." Yusei locks eyes with her.

"There can always be another date night, I mean I'm still recovering from last nights." She blushes.

"I don't want to leave you here and be mad at me." Yusei says.

"I'll be fine. Go. Be a hero." Akiza smiles.

Yusei hops out of the booth and rushes outside to his runner, he gets ready and then he rushes down the road. 

"Rev it up Yusei." Akiza watches him drive off.

Yusei catches up to Crow and Jack following Sector Security.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Yusei asks.

"Ah Yusei, I didn't expect you here." Jack says.

"It's my day off but we're currently in pursuit of a duel gang that attempted to blow up the Neo Domino Vault downtown." Crow says.

"A duel gang that tried to blow up the vault?" Yusei shakes his head.

"Yeah it doesn't make sense." Jack says.

"Do you think we have another crisis on our hands?" Yusei asks.

"I hope not, we barely got out of the last one in one piece, and it hasn't even been a week." Jack says.

"Even if it is or not, the Enforcers will take care of this!" Yusei says proudly.

"Trying to keep that spark alive Yusei?" Jack asks.

"Yes I am, for Kalin." Yusei looks up into the sky, and a tear sheds down his face. 

"The true Enforcer of us all." 


That'll be a wrap on this story, I am the most sorry for the spottyness on the updates. When I first started writing this everything was cool, and then I got super busy so then I only updated when I could and sometimes I don't feel it was the best quality. This project is now over, it was something different for me to do, but it was a blast thanks to all of you. I hope you all enjoyed the adventure as much as I did. I did purposely leave it open for a sequel, if that's what is requested, but I will need more than a few opinions on it for me to get back to work. Otherwise I don't know what my next story will be, If there is anything you guys want to see tell your friends and comment HERE, and I will review any and all feedback. Comments on any other previous story will most likely NOT be seen. Thanks again everyone, stay safe and stay awesome.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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